印子月 - 剩下的盛夏 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 印子月 - 剩下的盛夏

Remaining Summer
剩下的盛夏裡 要對你說謝謝你
In the remaining summer, I want to thank you
Unspeakable nostalgia has slipped across my face
周而複始 發現我總是不盡如人意
Time and time again, I find that I'm always inadequate
無奈抽泣 但這裡只是中途站而已
Helplessly sobbing, but this is just a temporary stop
消失無形 倘若我對未來只有恐懼
Disappearing into nothing, if I only have fear for the future
逃避歸零 這生活還是要繼續下去
Escaping and starting over, this life must still go on
空虛傷痕 透過現實早已了然於心
Empty wounds, through reality, I've long understood
Lost ideals accompany me, never leaving or giving up
Flustered and at a loss in the midst of yet another unexpected loss
Dark clouds, rain, I believe that one day they can bloom again
Perhaps the current me doesn't yet know the impermanence of life
Searching for a warm smile that falls like sunlight
夜空下陰天裡兩人牽手 這麼簡單而已
Under the night sky, in the cloudy day, two people holding hands, it's that simple
多希望有美好的回憶 裝飾在青春的牆壁
How I wish there were beautiful memories, adorning the walls of my youth
Why could it be that the two of us met?
縱使時間悄然過去 每一次的回憶 都觸動我心
Even though time quietly passes by, every memory always touches my heart
剩下的盛夏裡 要對你說對不起
In the remaining summer, I want to apologize to you
剩下的盛夏裡 要對你說謝謝你
In the remaining summer, I want to thank you
剩下的盛夏裡 從遇見你之後的 那一天起 天空開始放晴
In the remaining summer, from the day I met you, the sky began to clear
在腦海在心底 要對你說對不起
In my mind, in my heart, I want to apologize to you
在腦海在心底 要對你說謝謝你
In my mind, in my heart, I want to thank you
在腦海在心底 從遇見你之後的 那一天起 天空開始放晴
In my mind, in my heart, from the day I met you, the sky began to clear
Unspeakable nostalgia has slipped across my face
周而複始 發現我總是不盡如人意
Time and time again, I find that I'm always inadequate
無奈抽泣 但這裡只是中途站而已
Helplessly sobbing, but this is just a temporary stop
消失無形 倘若我對未來只有恐懼
Disappearing into nothing, if I only have fear for the future
逃避歸零 這生活還是要繼續下去
Escaping and starting over, this life must still go on
空虛傷痕 透過現實早已了然於心
Empty wounds, through reality, I've long understood
Lost ideals accompany me, never leaving or giving up
Flustered and at a loss in the midst of yet another unexpected loss
Dark clouds, rain, I believe that one day they can bloom again
Perhaps the current me doesn't yet know the impermanence of life
Searching for a warm smile that falls like sunlight
夜空下陰天裡兩人牽手 這麼簡單而已
Under the night sky, in the cloudy day, two people holding hands, it's that simple
多希望有美好的回憶 裝飾在青春的牆壁
How I wish there were beautiful memories, adorning the walls of my youth
Why could it be that the two of us met?
縱使時間悄然過去 每一次的回憶 都觸動我心
Even though time quietly passes by, every memory always touches my heart
剩下的盛夏裡 要對你說對不起
In the remaining summer, I want to apologize to you
剩下的盛夏裡 要對你說謝謝你
In the remaining summer, I want to thank you
剩下的盛夏裡 從遇見你之後的 那一天起 天空開始放晴
In the remaining summer, from the day I met you, the sky began to clear
在腦海在心底 要對你說對不起
In my mind, in my heart, I want to apologize to you
在腦海在心底 要對你說謝謝你
In my mind, in my heart, I want to thank you
在腦海在心底 從遇見你之後的 那一天起 天空開始放晴
In my mind, in my heart, from the day I met you, the sky began to clear
Looking up at the sunlight filtering through the leaves, resting on my face
Hesitantly and carefully, I brush past a little fantasy
At this moment, I feel a connection that transcends everything
Persistently believing that this feeling can be conveyed
剩下的盛夏裡 要對你說對不起
In the remaining summer, I want to apologize to you
剩下的盛夏裡 要對你說謝謝你
In the remaining summer, I want to thank you
剩下的盛夏裡 從遇見你之後的 那一天起 天空開始放晴
In the remaining summer, from the day I met you, the sky began to clear

Авторы: 印子月

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