Leo Ku - Nian Nian You Jin Ri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Leo Ku - Nian Nian You Jin Ri

Nian Nian You Jin Ri
Year After Year It Is Today
我未忘在小店 與你吃炸醬麵 這生日太經典
I have not forgotten the small shop where we ate fried sauce noodles. This birthday is a classic one.
憑朱二繩使芳心甜 自此開始發展
With just a few words, you stole my heart. Our love story began from then on.
若是錢袋不變 也要與你逐年 共渡難忘經驗
Even if our wallets remain empty, I want to go through unforgettable experiences with you every year.
如經我手的更鮮甜 願跟海鮮血戰
If the seafood I handle is fresher, I am willing to fight a bloody battle with them.
每份禮物籌劃過 全配合你星座
I carefully planned every gift based on your star sign.
明年唯求能突破 只清唱半段情歌
Next year, I hope to be bolder and sing you a whole love song instead of just half of it.
那日會如何渡過 而你亦鳴謝我
How will we spend that day? And you will thank me.
盼望髮白仍是我 想該天與你怎過
I hope I am still the one by your side when we grow old. I wonder how we will spend that day.
今天陪你再大一歲 仍純得似清水
Today, I accompany you as you grow older. You are still as pure as clear water.
如我愛你是金句 要講到你睡去
My love for you is a golden quote; I will repeat it until you fall asleep.
一生陪你每大一歲 仍洞識你心水
As you grow older each year, I will always be there for you and understand your heart.
不忍你流半滴淚 為了理想新居 再賣力亦無拘
I cannot bear to see you shed a single tear. I will work hard to provide you with a comfortable home, no matter how much effort it takes.
日夜勤力爭氣 每到這個日期 都想給你驚喜
I work hard day and night. Every year on this day, I want to surprise you.
如卡地亞錶能報喜 儲蓄得有道理
If a Cartier watch can bring you joy, then saving money is worth it.
禮物縱未迎合你 仍讚頌我品味
Even if the gift is not to your liking, you still praise my taste.
送上我從前日記 竟使你快樂無比
I gave you my old diary, and it made you incredibly happy.
接受我未成大器 仍當十全十美
Accept me even though I am not yet successful. You still treat me as if I am perfect.
對合照來描劃你 真跡比鑽戒優美
I will draw your portrait based on our photos. It will be more beautiful than any diamond ring.
今天陪你再大一歲 仍純得似清水
Today, I accompany you as you grow older. You are still as pure as clear water.
如我愛你是金句 要講到你睡去
My love for you is a golden quote; I will repeat it until you fall asleep.
一生陪你每大一歲 仍洞識你心水
As you grow older each year, I will always be there for you and understand your heart.
不忍你流半滴淚 能有你這愛侶 我自問被擡舉
I cannot bear to see you shed a single tear. With you as my lover, I feel incredibly honored.
陪你再大一歲 不需手飾的生日裡
I accompany you as you grow older. On this birthday without jewelry,
使我知 在乎誰
I realize who I truly care about.

Авторы: Mark Lui

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