吳雨霏 - 失控 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 吳雨霏 - 失控

Out of Control
抽出袋中香煙 你說已對厭 講得果斷
I took out a cigarette from my pocket, and you said you had had enough, determined
握得穩玻璃杯 我卻要應變 這種考驗
I held the glass firmly, but I needed to react, to this test
沒有事要眷戀 互相各不拖欠
There's nothing to yearn for, no debts between us
若喝下這冷水 以後難見面
If I drank this cold water, we might never see each other again
不必好心敷衍 我怕再聽見 諸多狡辯
No need to give half-hearted comfort, I fear to hear more, excuses
終於分開歸家 我要喊要笑 不需可憐
We finally parted ways and went home, I must cry, must laugh, no need for pity
害怕被你看扁 扮灑脫少不免
I'm afraid of you looking down upon me, I must act nonchalant, it's inevitable
越冷靜越耗損 無力再去 沉著應戰 如擱淺
The calmer I am, the more energy it costs, no strength to fight back, feel stranded
失控好 失控至可救活我
It's good to be out of control, out of control enough to redeem myself
哭得夠悲壯 倦了嗎 才可以安睡嗎
Cried enough to be tragic, are you tired? Can I finally sleep peacefully?
遺物在腳下 焚為垃圾吧 重拾自尊嗎
The remains are at my feet, burn them with the trash, pick up my self-respect?
憤怒夠嗎 (要下葬嗎) 軟弱夠嗎 (要自救吧)
Are you angry enough? (Shall we bury it?) Are you weak enough? (Let's save ourselves)
要習慣嗎 總有牽掛
Do we need to get used to it? There are always concerns
即使瘋瘋癲癲 我信你碰見 都不出現
Even if I go crazy, I believe when you see me, you'll disappear
深宵一點三點 你哪會似我 天天失眠
1 o'clock, 3 o'clock in the morning, how could you be like me, sleepless every night
學你沒記性好 放低你的污染
I will learn from you, forget about my memories, put down the pain you've inflicted
被你浪費過的 明白要變 明白了更狂躁點
I understand I need to change after being consumed by you, understand and become more aggressive
失控好 失控卻可浸沒我
It's good to be out of control, out of control yet it engulfs me
哭得夠悲壯 倦了嗎 才可以安睡嗎
Cried enough to be tragic, are you tired? Can I finally sleep peacefully?
遺物在腳下 焚為垃圾吧 重拾自尊嗎
The remains are at my feet, burn them with the trash, pick up my self-respect?
憤怒夠嗎 (要下葬嗎) 軟弱夠嗎 (要自救吧)
Are you angry enough? (Shall we bury it?) Are you weak enough? (Let's save ourselves)
要習慣嗎 總有牽掛
Do we need to get used to it? There are always concerns
有事才熱愛暴吃吧 真話
Only eat when I'm upset, the truth
開心嗎 會輕松嗎
Are you happy? Will you be relaxed?
Why am I abandoned and still shamed?
失控好 失控至可救活我
It's good to be out of control, out of control enough to redeem myself
可惜我收放 未到家 逃不過這 堤壩
It's a pity that I can't control it well, and I can't escape this embankment
懸崖在腳下 含著淚跳下 你放得開嗎
The cliff is at my feet, I jump down with tears, can you let go?
你內疚吧 (太笨了吧) 會在意嗎 (太笨了吧)
You feel guilty, don't you? (How stupid) Do you care? (How stupid)
你沒有嗎 恐怕恐怕
You don't have it? Probably not
(做對嗎) 解決嗎
(Is it right?) Does it work?
(做錯嗎) 心痛嗎
(Is it wrong?) Does it hurt?
(活過嗎) 總算造法
(Have I lived?) I have finally found a way

Авторы: Dan Yi Huang, Jie Fang

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