吳若希 - 別再記起 - 劇集 "誇世代" 片尾曲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 吳若希 - 別再記起 - 劇集 "誇世代" 片尾曲

別再記起 - 劇集 "誇世代" 片尾曲
Don't Remember - Ending Theme of the drama series "My Ages Apart"
誰會徹底真了解我 除非他會跟我
Who can truly know me fully Unless you could be me
完全換轉身份去過 尋常歡笑或折磨
Completely change identities to experience Common joy or torment
Who would cherish and appreciate me with all their might
If you knew the person behind the mask is too self-centered
不安更會犯錯 失去可比得到多
Worries would multiply, and the loss would outweigh the gain
人面全非 今天需要真正交給自己有個限期
Face has totally changed Today I need to truly give myself a deadline
遺憾要得處理 往昔拋棄 痛傷可以漸遠離
Regrets need to be dealt with The past abandoned Pain can gradually fade away
別再記起 如何屈膝低谷 世界無視我卑微
Don't remember How I bowed my head and humbled myself The world ignored my insignificance
In danger, I didn't lose my courage I tried my best to fight and win
曾無可高攀的你 原來亦貼地 原來在這地
You, who were once unreachable Are now down-to-earth, right here, right now
別在記起 從前不知天高愛到忘掉了抽離
Don't remember In the past, I didn't know my limits and loved you until I forgot to leave
其中許多得失 現在回望似時間遊戲
Many of those gains and losses Now seem like a game of time
Who will walk hand in hand with me to the end
誰會明白當我傷過 仍可淺笑的我
Who would understand that after I've been hurt I can still smile
還曾力竭聲嘶喊破 如何敢再墮愛河
I used to shout myself hoarse Wondering how I could ever fall in love again
Who would cherish and appreciate me with all their might
If you knew the person behind the mask is too self-centered
不安更會犯錯 未來我其實要甚麼
Worries would multiply, and the loss would outweigh the gain What do I really want in the future
別再記起 如何屈膝低谷 世界無視我卑微
Don't remember How I bowed my head and humbled myself The world ignored my insignificance
In danger, I didn't lose my courage I tried my best to fight and win
曾無可高攀的你 原來亦貼地 原來在這地
You, who were once unreachable Are now down-to-earth, right here, right now
別在記起 從前不知天高愛到忘掉了抽離
Don't remember In the past, I didn't know my limits and loved you until I forgot to leave
其中許多得失 現在回望似時間遊戲
Many of those gains and losses Now seem like a game of time
徘徊兜圈可跟哪位一起 能夠幸運永不捨棄
Wandering around in circles, who can I be with Who will be lucky enough to never give up
別再記起 如何屈膝低谷 世界無視我卑微
Don't remember How I bowed my head and humbled myself The world ignored my insignificance
In danger, I didn't lose my courage I tried my best to fight and win
難關都不捨不棄 完全沒顧忌 再也不退避
Through hardships, I won't give up or hesitate I'll never retreat again
別在記起 從前不知天高愛到忘掉了抽離
Don't remember In the past, I didn't know my limits and loved you until I forgot to leave
其中許多得失 現在回望似時間遊戲
Many of those gains and losses Now seem like a game of time
Who will walk hand in hand with me to the end
埋怨固執不滿足過 除非試過將感覺
Complaining, being stubborn, and never satisfied Unless you've tried to feel
And changed identities
或會能明白自己 很不錯
Then you might be able to understand yourself You're not bad at all

Авторы: Jia Cheng Zhang, Mei Xian Zhang

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