吳莫愁 - 你一直在心中 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 吳莫愁 - 你一直在心中

You Are Always on My Mind
呼吸过你 呼吸的 对流空气
I have breathed the same air as you
终于飞机 降落在 相异两地
Finally, the plane has landed in two different places
是要各自 分开的 一道弧形
It is a trajectory that we must take separately
时间 蒸发 你我 笑颜
Time has evaporated your and my smiles
我不断的 往前 跨步 过了山间 至万水
I keep moving forward, crossing mountains and rivers
追求身边 的瞬息万变
Pursuing the fleeting moments by my side
终于你 离开我 你一直在心中
Finally, you left me, but you are always on my mind
原来的 那性格 已经不见 成就了我
My original personality has faded away, and I have become who I am because of you
终于我 到未来 没有你 在未来
Finally, I have arrived in the future without you
过去的 是一部 成长 的小说
The past is a novel about growing up
混沌的世界 因为你 一个若夏般 的美丽
In the chaotic world, because of you, there is a beauty like summer
熟悉陌生 的画面 不再思念
I miss the familiar but strange scenes no more
紧握住过 那一年 不再眷恋
Holding on to that year no more
终于灿烂星光中 那个角落
Finally, in the corner of the bright starlight
此刻 看着 自由 像风
At this moment, watching freedom like the wind
我不断地 往前 跨步 抵过了城市 和高楼
I keep moving forward, resisting the city and the high-rise buildings
追求身边 的瞬息万变
Pursuing the fleeting moments by my side
终于你 离开我 你一直在心中
Finally, you left me, but you are always on my mind
原来的那性格 已经不见 成就了我
My original personality has faded away, and I have become who I am because of you
终于我到未来 没有你在未来
Finally, I have arrived in the future without you
过去的 是一部 成长 的小说
The past is a novel about growing up
准备好 在未来 没有你 的未来
Be prepared for a future without you
你说过的 话语 引领 着我 终于了悟
Your words have guided me and finally made me understand
终于我 到未来 没有你 的未来
Finally, I have arrived in the future without you
此刻有你 背影 投射 我心里
At this moment, your back is projected into my heart
在这城市里 我想起 过去岁月中 的美丽
In this city, I remember the beauty of the past

Авторы: Si Hua Liang, Man Ni Wen

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