呂程程 - 讓我們團結一起為了家努力奉獻 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 呂程程 - 讓我們團結一起為了家努力奉獻

Let's unite and dedicate ourselves to our home
是時候抬起頭 打破這沉默
It's time to lift our heads and break this silence
沒有時間讓你思考 這鐵達尼快沉沒
No time to think, this Titanic is sinking
我似乎已聽見 這喪鐘響起的頻率
I seem to hear the frequency of the death knell ringing
在侵蝕我的生命 不要懷疑下一個就是你
Eroding my life, don't doubt that the next one will be you
Watching everyone slowly leave him
He can only cry secretly
Just because you said he wasn't capable of keeping you
可能環境已經改變 可能你的慾望無限
Maybe the environment has changed, maybe your desires are endless
But the unchanging value in four words, "think of the source when drinking water"
Oh, please don't forget your initial intention
Don't go wherever there's vanity
Oh, please don't forget your initial intention
Don't use all the fame and fortune as an excuse
是該要反省一下 要貢獻自己的家
It's time to reflect, to dedicate yourself to our home
該怎麼 該怎麼 該怎麼說
How to say it, how to say it, how to say it
跟著我 跟著我做
Follow me, follow me and do it
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Let's unite and dedicate ourselves to our home
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Let's unite and dedicate ourselves to our home
你有多久沒有好好的關心他 NO
How long has it been since you properly cared for him NO
你有多久沒有好好的看看他 NO
How long has it been since you properly looked at him NO
他給我們養份長大 卻失去他的年華
He gave us nourishment to grow, but lost his prime
年老色衰的時候 你卻忍心拋下他
When he's old and fading, you dare to abandon him
Remember how glorious our heyday was
雖然體力即將耗盡 但還有點實力
Though his strength is waning, he still has some power
ALL MY Fellas Ya
ALL MY Fellas Ya
All My Ladies Ya
All My Ladies Ya
Roll up our sleeves and help him fight back gloriously
Oh, please don't forget your initial intention
Don't go wherever there's vanity
Oh, please don't forget your initial intention
Don't use all the fame and fortune as an excuse
是該要反省一下 要貢獻自己的家
It's time to reflect, to dedicate yourself to our home
該怎麼 該怎麼 該怎麼說
How to say it, how to say it, how to say it
跟著我 跟著我做
Follow me, follow me and do it
Time to give back 捲起你的袖子一起面對危險
Time to give back, roll up your sleeves and face the danger together
Call your friends back to contribute
失去的養分需要我們重新灌溉 呵護 直到榮耀重現
The lost nutrients need us to re-irrigate, nurture, until glory reappears
不要窮到只剩錢 要懂得感恩和尊嚴
Don't be so poor that you only have money left, learn to be grateful and dignified
一把火 星星之火足已燎原
You and I, a spark, a spark is enough to start a prairie fire
Ain't no place like home right
Ain't no place like home right
Let's unite and dedicate ourselves to our home
The perfect era is irreplaceable
那最初的灌溉 永遠剪不斷的愛
That initial irrigation, the love that can never be severed
只要你回頭看 他一定會存在
As long as you look back, he'll always be there
Here we go 站出來
Here we go, stand up
Find that hope again
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Let's unite and dedicate ourselves to our home
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Dedication Dedication Dedication
Let's unite and dedicate ourselves to our home

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