周蕙 - 該忘了你對不對 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周蕙 - 該忘了你對不對

Should I forget you, should I not
大雨過後的眼淚 掛在裝滿回憶的櫥窗
Tears after a heavy rain hang in the window filled with memories
我卻不想望一望 那些心碎的形狀
But I don't want to look at the broken shapes
記憶是一個行囊 陪伴著我到世界流浪
Memories are a knapsack accompanying me as I wander the world
我讓悲傷都裝上翅膀 再見了 就不能倔強
I let all the sadness grow wings, goodbye, I can't be stubborn anymore
該忘了你對不對 怕自己無法面對
Should I forget you, should I not, I'm afraid I won't be able to face it
無怨無悔 把一切留給紀念
Without complaint or regret, I leave everything to memory
受過折磨的創傷 它會慢慢被歲月 一片片填滿
The trauma of the torment will be slowly filled in by time, piece by piece
漸漸就習慣不再想 忘記曾經最痛的地方
Gradually I get used to not thinking about it anymore, forgetting the place that once hurt the most
該忘了你對不對 我應該堅強面對
Should I forget you, should I not, I should face it bravely
學會遺忘 不能相愛的掙扎
Learn to forget the struggle of unrequited love
記憶會為我收藏 那些美麗時光
Memories will treasure for me those beautiful moments
為愛付出過的力量 帶著我去尋找 幸福的希望
The strength I have given for love will take me to find the hope of happiness
記憶是一個行囊 陪伴著我到世界流浪
Memories are a knapsack accompanying me as I wander the world
我讓悲傷都裝上翅膀 再見了 就不能倔強
I let all the sadness grow wings, goodbye, I can't be stubborn anymore
該忘了你對不對 怕自己無法面對
Should I forget you, should I not, I'm afraid I won't be able to face it
無怨無悔 把一切留給紀念
Without complaint or regret, I leave everything to memory
受過折磨的創傷 它會慢慢被歲月 一片片填滿
The trauma of the torment will be slowly filled in by time, piece by piece
漸漸就習慣不再想 忘記曾經最痛的地方
Gradually I get used to not thinking about it anymore, forgetting the place that once hurt the most
該忘了你對不對 我應該堅強面對
Should I forget you, should I not, I should face it bravely
學會遺忘 不能相愛的掙扎
Learn to forget the struggle of unrequited love
記憶會為我收藏 那些美麗時光
Memories will treasure for me those beautiful moments
為愛付出過的力量 帶著我去尋找 幸福的希望
The strength I have given for love will take me to find the hope of happiness

Авторы: 謝布暐

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