嚴詠能 - 轉來Key - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 嚴詠能 - 轉來Key

Turn to Key
Bright spot
這是充滿希望 溫暖的台灣 因為有夢所以無共款
This is a hopeful, warm Taiwan, because of the dream, there is no money
讓我們點亮每盞 期待的眼光 一起回應世界的呼喚
Let's light up every lamp, expectant eyes, and respond to the world's call together
(唔~唔~)(點亮~夜晚 點亮~咱的夢)
(Mmm~Mmm~)(Light up~Night, Light up~Our dream)
這是充滿自信 威風的台灣 隨著時代繼續咧流轉
This is a confident, majestic Taiwan, as the times continue to flow
讓我們點亮夢想 停靠的港灣 向每個人熱情的召喚
Let's light up the dream, the harbor where it stops, and call for everyone passionately
(唔~唔~)(點亮~希望 點亮~全台灣)
(Mmm~Mmm~)(Light up~Hope, Light up~Taiwan)
一首歌 沿著青春的海岸 唱過歲月 唱出時代的繁華
A song, along the coast of youth, singing through the years, singing out the prosperity of the times
不免驚惶 用咱儼毅的性命 唱遍天下 唱出堅定的步伐
I can't help but be surprised. With our tenacious lives, we sing throughout the world, singing out a firm pace
這是充滿期待 豐收的時代 天大地大美麗的光彩
This is a hopeful, fruitful era. The heaven and earth are vast and beautiful
讓我們點亮自己 不用再等待 自己的夢自己來安排
Let's light up ourselves. We don't have to wait any longer. Let's make our own dreams
(唔~唔~)(點亮~未來 點亮~全世界)
(Mmm~Mmm~)(Light up~Future, Light up~World)
一首歌 沿著青春的海岸 唱過歲月 唱出時代的繁華
A song, along the coast of youth, singing through the years, singing out the prosperity of the times
不免驚惶 用咱儼毅的性命 唱遍天下 唱出堅定的步伐
I can't help but be surprised. With our tenacious lives, we sing throughout the world, singing out a firm pace
像雨水疼惜土地 一點一滴攏是 大家的奧援
Like rain cherishing the earth, every little drop is everyone's support
每一顆跳動的心 都是這片土地 最美的亮點
Every beating heart is the most beautiful bright spot on this land
一首歌 沿著青春的海岸 唱過歲月 唱出時代的繁華
A song, along the coast of youth, singing through the years, singing out the prosperity of the times
不免驚惶 用咱儼毅的性命 唱遍天下 唱出堅定的步伐
I can't help but be surprised. With our tenacious lives, we sing throughout the world, singing out a firm pace
這首歌 有咱真心的感覺 點亮台灣 我有一百種想法
This song has our heartfelt feeling. Light up Taiwan. I have a hundred ideas

嚴詠能 - Taiwan Melody
Taiwan Melody
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