國蛋 Gordon - Trippin' - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 國蛋 Gordon - Trippin'

那天是她生日 我帶她去看紐約尼克
That day was her birthday, I took her to see the New York Knicks
The seats were on the right side of the visiting players' aisle
Cheers and beers, one after another, chased away the heat
In Madison Square Garden, celebrities chat like it's a social club
開懷得笑像彌勒 一生得花上多少心思才能體會極樂
Laughing out loud like Maitreya, how much effort does it take to experience bliss?
用我的平仄 帶著她穿梭人群各種形色
With my ups and downs, I led her through the crowd with various looks
為每件事情喝彩 為每件事情喝彩
Cheering for everything, cheering for everything
她最愛的球星正對她笑 時間都停這
Her favorite player was smiling right at her, and time stood still
會永遠記得這晚 會永遠記得這晚
I will always remember this night, I will always remember this night
That night the Knicks played well and almost won by 20 points
所有表情都扼腕 但球票無法退還
Every face was disappointed, but the tickets were non-refundable
計程車急煞 問我們上不上車
A taxi braked suddenly, asking if we wanted to get in
旅程先不論長短 花多少時間往返
The journey doesn't matter how long or how much time it takes to get there and back
回到河的另一端 那裡是不一樣的空氣
Back on the other side of the river, the air was different
Queens get the money 各憑本事 各憑功力
Queens get the money, each with their own skills and abilities
我鑽進她的身體 從呼吸通過縫隙
I slipped into her body, breathing through the cracks
I was once lazy, a common problem for most young people
天空帶點藍色憂鬱 繞著圈算圓周率
The sky was a little blue and melancholic, circling around calculating the circumference
I was like a student, hiding my worries
她可以一眼識破 個性她從不示弱
She could see through me, her personality never showing weakness
Her eyes were sharp, she had an eye for quality
言語赤裸 對手是她她的是我
Her speech was blunt, her opponent was me and mine was her
Exchanging back and forth like boxing and kicking until both retreated
我的一切 她最懂 關於對錯與否
She understood everything about me, right from wrong
The chill of the shadows made her shiver on winter nights
桌上只剩下什麼 半根和烈酒半口
Only half a cigarette and half a sip of liquor were left on the table
把杯子倒滿 然後才被睡意帶走 被睡意帶走
I filled the glass, and then I was carried away by the drowsiness, carried away by the drowsiness

Авторы: Guo Jun Yang Aka Gordon

國蛋 Gordon - GDN Express
GDN Express
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