A chair left empty with no one sitting on it still makes me approach involuntarily
曾在遠遠的以前 這凳子裡 父親仿似巨人輕撫給腰背磨殘了的凳
Once upon a time in the distant past, in this chair, my father seemed like a giant gently caressing my back that had been worn out by grinding
無奈凳裡只有遺憾 在遠遠的以前 凳子很美 父親很少皺紋
Regrettably, there is only regret in the chair. In the distant past, the chair was very beautiful, my father had very few wrinkles
獨望著空凳願我能 再度和他促膝而坐 獨望著空凳心難過
Staring at the empty chair alone, I wish I could sit with him knee to knee again. Staring at the empty chair alone, my heart aches
為何想講的從前不說清楚 曾懶說半句我愛他 懶說半句我愛他
Why didn't I make it clear what I wanted to say in the past, I was too lazy to say half a sentence, I love him, I was too lazy to say half a sentence, I love him
過去我說我最是要緊 今天發覺最愛他 呼叫永遠也愛他
In the past, I said I was the most important, today I realized I love him the most, I call out that I will always love him
I only hear an empty chair when I call out
過去懶說我愛他 懶說半句我愛他
In the past, I was too lazy to say I love him, I was too lazy to say half a sentence, I love him
過去我說我最是要緊 今天發覺最愛他
In the past, I said I was the most important, today I realized I love him the most
呼叫永遠也愛他 聽我叫喊只得一張空凳
I call out that I will always love him, I only hear an empty chair when I call out
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