夏之禹 - 地主街 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 夏之禹 - 地主街

Landlord Street
That's a dreamy street full of temptations
Pervading with meaty smell or dirtiness
歌舞升平 在群山环抱下灯火通明
Singing and dancing, brightly illuminated under the mountains
Each suite invites me to come and sit
奉劝你财不外露 把态度 也收好
Mind you, don't show your money, and restrain your attitude
一身local 才是个像模像样的大佬
Local attire makes you look like a respectable boss
不恨popo 彼此把边界守好
No grudges against the cops, we both keep to our boundaries
不需要4'4 碰到来找茬的直接就放狗咬 bro
No need for 4'4, confront any troublemakers, and I'll let the dogs bite them, bro
Instantly make you bid farewell to upright walking
As long as I don't give an order, they'll never stop barking
But no need to be nervous, just keep the word "respect" in mind
在心里就可以一起喝上几杯 朋友
In your heart, you can have a few drinks with me, friend
终归是提供快乐和梦的地方 周一到七
After all, it's a place that provides happiness and dreams from Monday to Sunday
Kindly pay in cash, no POS machine
Fat and thin women in a row, numbers seven to one
If you are not satisfied, just clap your hands and we'll change to the next batch
逛逛 这条街
Stroll on this street
店里粉红色的灯光 You know what it is
Pink lights in the stores, you know what it is
The aroma of dishes wafts from the stove
让你难以自控 迷醉一整夜
Making you unable to control yourself, intoxicated all night long
Yeah 男人几乎都打赤膊
Yeah, men are mostly bare-chested
Yeah 女人眼神就像毒蛇
Yeah, women's eyes are like venomous snakes
Yeah 如果你想尝尝禁果
Yeah, if you want to taste the forbidden fruit
Huh 会有人带你进入暗阁
Huh, someone will take you to the secret room
这都是女妖 我绝对不夸张
They are all enchantresses, I'm not exaggerating
眼里有招 一秒就让你硬邦邦
Their gaze is tempting, making you rock hard in a second
随便舔个唇 就能勾走你的魂
A casual lick of the lips can steal your soul away
除了爱之外 你想要的她无所不能
Apart from love, she can do everything you want
They are all my sisters whom I've known since childhood
They have been kind and righteous to me, treating me like their own younger brother
若你来照顾生意 我心存感谢
If you come to take care of the business, I'll be grateful
若你敢出言不逊 我卸你几个零件
If you dare to speak rudely, I'll dismantle some of your parts
让你知道水泥地面上 那一道道的刮痕
Let you know how those scratches on the cement floor came to be
Exactly how it happened
忽然之间大雨倾盆 在这条街上
Suddenly, a downpour on this street
If it were the eighties, you'd be buried alive
But now, we'll just throw you out, and you can scram
半米长的铁棍 下手还不算狠
Half-meter long iron rod, the attack not fierce enough
No one will care, no one will ask
霓虹灯 忽闪忽闪就像什么事都没发生
Neon lights, flickering as if nothing happened
逛逛 这条街
Stroll on this street
店里粉红色的灯光 You know what it is
Pink lights in the stores, you know what it is
The aroma of dishes wafts from the stove
让你难以自控 迷醉一整夜
Making you unable to control yourself, intoxicated all night long
Yeah 男人几乎都打赤膊
Yeah, men are mostly bare-chested
Yeah 女人眼神就像毒蛇
Yeah, women's eyes are like venomous snakes
Yeah 如果你想尝尝禁果
Yeah, if you want to taste the forbidden fruit
Huh 会有人带你进入暗阁
Huh, someone will take you to the secret room
I don't just take care of this store
From fast food to upscale multi-story buildings
不管做什么营生 这里都没有成见
No matter what kind of business, there's no prejudice here
The rare peace on the darkest margins of society
So apart from the name they're called, they don't pretend to be anything
They are all single women in a foreign land, trying to make a living
需要帮忙的 肯定互相帮着担
Those who need help will definitely help each other
常常点心做得香 都会记得要给左邻右舍端
They often make delicious snacks and remember to give some to their neighbors
But they keep the best for me
叫我小少爷 从我还在托儿所
They've called me "Young Master" since I was in kindergarten
The young girls back then have long become bewitching enchantresses
Looking at the backs of those men, their breath is ragged
It depicts the rough beauty on this street
Familiar with every corner, every person, and every ghost
Be it the commoners or the bandits
选择哪条路都是On my way
Choosing which path is always On my way
Ghetto people
Ghetto people

Авторы: Zhi Yu Xia

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