大支 - 浴火英雄 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 大支 - 浴火英雄

Firefighting Heroes
這工作不輕鬆 全天都在待命中 民眾119一通 他們就得行動
This job is not easy, always on standby, civilians call 119, they have to act.
所有大小事 救狗救貓抓蜂抓蛇戒指卡小指 救跳樓的還得當心靈導師
All kinds of big and small things, saving dogs, saving cats, catching bees, catching snakes, rings stuck on little fingers, saving people jumping off buildings, and being spiritual mentors.
他們守護每個晝夜 當我們熟睡 他們還再把擔架往急診室裡頭推
They guard every day and night, when we are asleep, they are still pushing the stretcher into the emergency room.
用凡人手臂 跟火神拔河的擂台 是未知的未來 明天與死亡不知道誰先來
With mortal arms, competing with the fire god, the unknown future, tomorrow and death don't know who will come first.
他們一次一次 找到迷失呼叫聲 一直及時 抱出密室小孩老人
They found lost voices, rescuing children and elderly from secret rooms.
燃燒氧氣 搬開牆壁 將傷者扛起 握著壓在磚頭下的手說不要放棄
Burning oxygen, removing walls, carrying the wounded, holding the hands pressed under the bricks and saying don't give up.
就算火球照亮黑暗夜晚 就算火勢摧殘沒減緩 消防車炸到飛散
Even when fireballs light up the dark night, even when the fire is raging and unrelenting, the fire trucks are blown to pieces.
就算推算 爆炸會發生在周圍 也不後退 就算粉身碎骨只留下一頂頭盔
Even when it is calculated that the explosion will happen around them, they don't retreat, even if they are smashed to pieces and only a helmet is left.
他們這一秒救著人結果 一回頭 下一秒跟家人道別的機會都沒有
They save people one second, and the next, they have no chance to say goodbye to their families.
當人們顛簸逃離災害發生地 越來越多消防員朝著反方向奔去
As people stumble away from the disaster site, more and more firefighters run in the opposite direction.
Please give me sharp alertness to hear the cries for help,
Please give me enough time to carry out everyone.
Please give me fearless courage to fight the Reaper.
如果我先離開 請保佑我家人
If I leave first, please bless my family.
他們為了救人不曾離開 當天妒英才 也試著一再堅強面對同仁意外
They never left to save people, and when they lost a genius, they still tried to face their comrades' accidents.
如果注定靈魂得提早離開旅程 也只求上天保佑親人平安度過一生
If the soul is destined to leave the journey early, they only ask God to bless their loved ones to live their lives in peace.
他們不是鋼鐵人兼差 人禍天災 早上說byebye的人晚上可能不會再回來
They are not part-time superheroes. Man-made and natural disasters. The ones who say goodbye in the morning may not come back at night.
與死亡僅僅隔層防護衣但基於對生命期許 不遺餘力 直至背影離去
Only a layer of protective clothing separates them from death, but based on their expectations for life, they spare no effort until their backs are gone.
我們遺憾的鼻酸看著家屬心寒的 哭說期盼著他帶全家出去玩的
We regretfully watch the family members heartbroken and crying, hoping that he will take the whole family out to play.
看著隊上長官激動到無法應答 勉強擠出一句話 任務完成了休息吧
Watching the captain of the team so excited that he can't answer, barely squeezing out a sentence: The mission is accomplished. Rest.
我們凝視新聞第一次聽到的名字 心裡是謝謝這些英雄一次又一次
We looked at the news for the first time and heard their names, thankful for these heroes again and again.
但他們要的或許不是謝謝 是分工落實 補足人力 政府漠視 從此中止
But what they want is not thanks, but division of labor, sufficient manpower, and government neglect to end forever.
親人要的或許也不是英勇的英雄 是能回家的爸爸能讓他們緊擁
Relatives may not want brave heroes, but fathers who can go home and let them hug.
有時太心痛 我們閉上眼不忍再看 但有時我們得睜大眼終結這些人為災難
Sometimes it hurts too much, we close our eyes and can't bear to look again, but sometimes we have to open our eyes and end these man-made disasters.
Please give me sharp alertness to hear the cries for help.
Please give me enough time to carry out everyone.
Please give me fearless courage to fight the Reaper.
如果我先離開 請保佑我家人
If I leave first, please bless my family.

大支 - 浴火英雄
дата релиза

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