First of all, he says that plastic is for kids, he wants a metal one, otherwise it would be a waste.
啊若要出門他東西就都托便阿 他說見面拔出來就要打 還在那勒拖 都幾歲了
If he wants to go out, he gives his stuff to a friend, he says when you meet, pull it out and hit, why wait around, how old is he already?
啊若辦事情他嚨帶兩隻 一隻小衝一隻輪阿
If he runs errands, he always brings two, one small cartridge and one wheel.
衝ㄟ若卡輪阿就趕快拿出來打 他覺得最好用就是輪阿 不會掉彈殼 也不會卡
If the cartridge gets stuck in the wheel, he quickly takes it out and shoots, he thinks it is the best because it doesn't drop shells and it doesn't get stuck.
If all six misfire, then that's our fate.
冤家 他都故意找看板大的 有事業 有級數更好
He always deliberately looks for big targets, business and rank are even better.
大家來配看賣ㄟ 他說不是有錢就要甲'信道' 也不是拿錢挺你 你就要拿生命去走
Everybody comes to see the vendors, he says it's not that having money means you have to trust the path, it's not that if you give me money, you have to give me your life.
他覺得親像很多人理平頭 身上有刺青 帶兩個少年ㄟ 就當作自己ㄟ是兄弟
He thinks a lot of people shave their heads, get tattoos, bring two young guys, and pretend they are brothers.
遇到軟阿要吃 遇到硬的像龜兒子 這就是正 阿蘇八拉
If there are soft targets, eat them, if there are hard targets, act like a turtle, this is right, that's a jerk.
他叫做兄弟 只要是他認定
He calls them brothers, as long as he approves them.
他叫做兄弟 錢 槍 命 都可以給你
He calls them brothers, money, guns, life he can give you all.
誰都不曾神經過 他說世間有什麼大ㄟ
No one is ever nervous, he says what's so great in the world.
若槍子打不過 我才叫他大ㄟ
If bullets can't kill me, then I'll call them great.
但是他過嘎累嘎 怕監聽 歸口袋仔嚨手機阿 大家朋友都用不同隻打
But then he becomes frightened, he is afraid of tapping, his pockets are full of mobile phones, everyone uses different ones to communicate with their friends.
因為他藥阿拼很大 發到發現自己的小妹馬在吃K 買的是他出的貨
Because he does a lot of drugs, he found that his younger sister is on K, he bought the drugs that she's taking.
但他賺ㄟ都喝完賭完 錢輸輸ㄟ都沒在繳ㄟ 連橋賭ㄟ場主都說他沒來就算捧場
But he earns money to drink and gamble, he doesn't pay any of the money he loses, even the gambling den owner says he is supporting them by not coming.
起起落落 但不時窮到要給鬼抓去 他馬曾經拿槍去當舖借錢
Ups and downs, but he's never poor enough to be taken away by ghosts, but he once took a gun to the pawnshop to borrow money.
道義 馬不是每個有ㄟ 他朋友的大ㄟ剛關沒多久 阿嫂馬上嫁給少年ㄟ
Loyalty, not everyone has it, his friend's older brother just got released, and his sister-in-law immediately married a young guy.
他厝內的小弟殺人本來免打掉 但他小弟不想要活 開庭時給法官丟拖鞋
His younger brother in the house killed someone and could have avoided a sentence, but his younger brother didn't want to live, and threw slippers at the judge in court.
他一些兒時朋友 硬的軟的吃甲交到 沒得吃就拼 沒得拼就去搶
Some of his childhood friends are tough or weak and have nothing to eat, so they fight, and if they can't fight, they rob.
有的父母七八十歲 還每禮拜要寄菜 有的跑路連父母過世都沒回來
Some parents are in their seventies or eighties and still have to send vegetables every week, some run away and don't even come back for their parents' funerals.
槍 女生 賭 藥仔 就是他的生活 什麼都不怕 怕沒錢賺而已
Guns, girls, gambling, drugs are his life, he is not afraid of anything, he is just afraid of not making money.
但偏偏七逃嘎若乞丐佔大多數 其他 不是關就是走路
But most of the strays look like beggars, others are either in prison or dead.
他覺得累了 這款浮浮沉沉的生活 幾個有好下場 那麼多鏡子自己看
He thinks he is tired of this up and down life, how many have a good ending, there are so many mirrors to look at ourselves.
他說車只要會走 房子夠住就好了 反正時到 躺下伊頂多嘛2尺6尺而已
He says the car just needs to be able to drive, and the house just needs to be livable, because when it's time, you'll only have
2 feet,
6 inches at most.
他決定要去學做生意 經濟穩定以後他想要理政治
He has decided to go into business, and he wants to do politics when he is financially stable.
他的父母 他也想要常陪伴 他說對爸母不孝說對兄弟多有義氣嚨免'抓'
He also wants to spend more time with his parents, he says it's okay not to show loyalty to your brothers if you're not filial to your parents.
他還勸他的少年ㄟ 多看點書 不通老阿 才什麼都不會 會的都只有捲K
He also advises his young guys to read more books, not to be old and still know nothing, and only know how to roll K.
他說 趁少年回頭還來得及甘知道 若不認同 10年後擱把這條歌出來聽
He says it's not too late to turn back while you're young, and if you don't agree, listen to this song again in 10 years.
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