女王蜂 - 売春(A -全国ツアー2017-) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 女王蜂 - 売春(A -全国ツアー2017-)

売春(A -全国ツアー2017-)
Prostitution(A -nationwide tour 2017-)
青春の1ページに ひとつ垂らした汚点
On a page of my youth, a single stain
脱色剤撒き散らして 穴だらけにした教則本
Bleach splattered everywhere, filled the textbook with holes
簡単な道理だけで 出来ていた僕が余計
I was an unnecessary piece with only simple reasoning
算段の狂いに気がついた頃 きみがもう僕の部屋へ
By the time I realized my plan was wrong, you were already in my room
永続性保つ筈がない 誰もが察して伏せてゆくよ
The permanence is unsustainable, everyone knows and keeps it quiet
「大丈夫」の言葉に宿った 匂い立つ程の暴力性
The words "It's okay" held violence that was almost tangible
現代文、言う通りにしてもらいたいの どうすればいい?
Modern literature, how do I get you to do what I want?
道徳観叩き直されても 確かな意味を見出せずに
Even if you beat my morals into me, I still can't find a real meaning
あたしが売る春 僕が奪う春
The spring I sell, the spring I take
If I peel back the thin tissue paper, my damp skin will be scratched
あなたが被害者 きみは支配者に
You are the victim, she is the perpetrator
At least don't leave me with a guilty conscience
I don't feel any attachment to the voice on the answering machine
心配性なその指輪に 傷一つ付けず抱かれるから
I will be embraced by that worrying ring without a single scratch
安心感振りかざして 受容だなんて言えないこと
Wielding a sense of security, you can't talk about acceptance
生きてきたから判るよ 傷まみれ、でもまだ付けよう
I know from experience, I'm covered in wounds, but I'll still add to them
あなたは知る筈 君は願う筈
You must know, you must wish
普通をよしとする心に 制裁を喰らわせては片付ける
To punish the heart that thinks normalcy is good
誰にも言えずに 保つ日が暮れる
I can't tell anyone, so the days go by
せめて傍観者にだけは なりたくない なれないね
I don't want to be a bystander, I can't be one
一刻も早くここから抜け出そう ちゃんとした二人を待つのには
Let's get out of here as soon as possible, we have to wait for two decent people
あまりにも時間がないことくらい 嫌と言う程わかってるだろう?
You must know that there isn't much time, right?
ええ重々承知なのよ だけどあなたに誂えたピンヒールに
Yes, I'm fully aware, but my legs are stuck in those stilettos you tailored for me
脚がとられてもう動けないの いっそ置き去ってよ
Just leave me behind
笑い合える日々は 今日で最後だと
Today is our last day of laughter
頭の中に刻み付け いつも結末だらけで嫌に成る
Etched into my mind, always ending, and I hate it
報われる日々を 望むなんて厚かましいね
It's presumptuous of me to want a fulfilling life
Repeating compromise and self-restraint
増すものがない 淋しいね
There's nothing more, it's lonely
あたしが売る春 僕が奪う春
The spring I sell, the spring I take
思い出なんかにしたりしないで せめて
Don't make it into memories, just
Let's be accomplices
The spring when we both fall

Авторы: 薔薇園 アヴ, 薔薇園 アヴ

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