季欣霈 - 上山下海 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 季欣霈 - 上山下海

Mountain and Sea
专辑: 生活
Album: Life
上山也好 下海也好
Up the mountain or down by the sea
只要你笑 怎样都好
As long as you smile, it's all good with me
Who can blame me, you're irresistibly charming
I bet you have a curved spine
But how come it's so damn handsome?
假设你 心眼很小
Let's say you're narrow-minded
假设你 对女生都很好
Let's say you treat all women well
我就是 受不了 睡不著
I just can't handle it, I can't sleep
发不出 求救讯号
I can't send out an SOS
受不了 你的发梢
I can't handle your hair
眼睁睁 看著你 控制我的心跳
I can't help but watch as you control my heartbeat
上山也好 下海也好
Up the mountain or down by the sea
只要你笑 怎样都好
As long as you smile, it's all good with me
机车也好 捷运也好
Motorbike or metro
如果能 拥挤点就更好
If we can get a little closer, it'd be even better
可乐很好 果汁也好
Coke is great, juice is fine
你掏腰包 谁都碎了
If you pay, I'll be blown away
爸爸不要 妈妈不要
I don't care about my dad, I don't care about my mom
小狗不要 脑袋都烧坏掉
I don't care about my dog, my brain is fried
小狗不要 脑袋都烧坏掉
I don't care about my dog, my brain is fried
I'm sure you're not that broad-minded
But how come your monolid is so damn handsome?
假设你 心眼很小
Let's say you're narrow-minded
假设你 对女生都很好
Let's say you treat all women well
我就是 受不了 睡不著
I just can't handle it, I can't sleep
发不出 求救讯号
I can't send out an SOS
受不了 你的发梢
I can't handle your hair
眼睁睁 看著你 控制我的心跳
I can't help but watch as you control my heartbeat
上山也好 下海也好
Up the mountain or down by the sea
只要你笑 怎样都好
As long as you smile, it's all good with me
机车也好 捷运也好
Motorbike or metro
如果能 拥挤点就更好
If we can get a little closer, it'd be even better
可乐很好 果汁也好
Coke is great, juice is fine
你掏腰包 谁都碎了
If you pay, I'll be blown away
爸爸不要 妈妈不要
I don't care about my dad, I don't care about my mom
小狗不要 脑袋都烧坏掉
I don't care about my dog, my brain is fried
小狗不要 脑袋都烧坏掉
I don't care about my dog, my brain is fried
上山也好 下海也好
Up the mountain or down by the sea
只要你笑 怎样都好
As long as you smile, it's all good with me
机车也好 捷运也好
Motorbike or metro
如果能 拥挤点就更好
If we can get a little closer, it'd be even better
可乐很好 果汁也好
Coke is great, juice is fine
你掏腰包 谁都碎了
If you pay, I'll be blown away
爸爸不要 妈妈不要
I don't care about my dad, I don't care about my mom
小狗不要 脑袋都烧坏掉
I don't care about my dog, my brain is fried
小狗不要 脑袋都烧坏掉
I don't care about my dog, my brain is fried
专辑: 生活
Album: Life

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