孫伯綸 - 多想你還在 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 孫伯綸 - 多想你還在

Missing You
点咖啡 配一餐寂寞
I crave your presence, my beloved
下班后 回空荡的窝
To keep me company, to soothe my heart
I constantly find myself yearning for you
In this monotonous existence, I've grown accustomed to
约朋友 彻夜狂欢后
Seeking solace in friendships, I indulge in revelry
就以为 能赶走失落
Yet, it's a fleeting escape from the emptiness
For the joy I borrow comes at a steep price
用完之后 变加倍的疼痛
Leaving me with a heart twice as heavy
这城市大的发疯 却没有一个能收留我的小角落
In this vast, unforgiving city, I wander aimlessly
多想你还在 夜里有盏灯为我亮着没关
Longing for a sanctuary where I can truly belong
多想心里有个人 疲惫到瘫痪 也觉得暖
Oh, how I yearn for your presence
用全部交换 一句晚安
To illuminate the darkness, to dispel the cold
Feigning indifference, I attempt to conceal my pain
But the truth lies heavy in my heart
I plunge myself into work, a desperate distraction
想要遗忘 那些想念的痛
Hoping to forget the agony of missing you
This sprawling metropolis, so vast and indifferent
It offers no solace, no place I can call home
Nowhere to find a moment's respite
多想你还在 夜里有盏灯为我亮着没关
Oh, how I yearn for your presence
多想心里有个人 疲惫到瘫痪 也觉得暖
To illuminate the darkness, to dispel the cold
用全部交换 换一句晚安
I'd give all I possess, just to hear your voice again
How can I vanquish
This loneliness that consumes me in the midst of the crowd?
In my memories, I search for remnants of happiness
But find only emptiness
多想你还在 一起分享 最平凡的早餐
Oh, how I yearn for your presence
任凭世界 地覆天翻 也不分开
To share the simplest meal, to face life's challenges together
若寂寞是场漂泊 你是我永远的靠岸
Through every storm, I'd stand by your side, unyielding
For in your arms, I find solace
如果你还在 还在 还在
If only you were still here, if only you were still here

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