宇宙人 - じじい -そして伝説へ- - перевод текста песни на английский

じじい -そして伝説へ- - 宇宙人перевод на английский

じじい -そして伝説へ-
Dude - And so to legend
意外と近いのね 天国までの階段
Oh, how close Heaven's stairway is
Dude, long time no see. Haven't you been lonely by yourself?
Because you were always just crying
Dude, it really worried me
I've been looking after you from up here
わたしは死んでしまったの? わたしは生きているの?
So I'm dead? Am I even alive?
君はしんでいないよ 2時間ほどでもどれるよ
You're not dead. You can return in about 2 hours
心配無用 ここは楽園 K点超えた桃源郷
Don't worry. This is paradise; a utopia beyond belief
望遠鏡でもみつからない 奇跡のパラダイス 幻のオアシス
A paradise which can't be seen even with a telescope, a miraculous oasis, an illusion
俺は死神だよ 死の世界へいざなう
I'm the Grim Reaper. I'll guide you into the next world
死神なんてきらい どうしてじじいを連れて行ったの
I hate the Grim Reaper. Why did you take Dude?
I was wandering in the mist
Then the Grim Reaper appeared and guided me to Heaven
やさしくサポート みちびかれるままに
Tenderly supporting me, I simply followed
死神ごめんありがとう じじいの天国居住権
Grim Reaper, I thank you. Dude's right of abode in Heaven
おまえのじじいの人生が すばらしいからあたりまえだ
Because your Dude lived a wonderful life, of course
心配無用 ここは楽園 K点超えた桃源郷
Don't worry. This is paradise; a utopia beyond belief
望遠鏡でもみつからない 奇跡のパラダイス 幻のオアシス
A paradise which can't be seen even with a telescope, a miraculous oasis, an illusion
I'm an angel
I fly all over the world bringing hope and love to those who are lost or angry
年中無休 あなたとじじいに舞い降りた天使の歌声
All year round, my angelic voice descends to you and to Dude
心配無用 ここは楽園 K点超えた桃源郷
Don't worry. This is paradise; a utopia beyond belief
望遠鏡でもみつからない 奇跡のパラダイス 幻のオアシス
A paradise which can't be seen even with a telescope, a miraculous oasis, an illusion
諸行無常 かたちあるもの だけど魂はリフレイン
All phenomena are impermanent. Physical forms die, but souls reincarnate
ぬくもり心はずっときえない いつもそばにいるよ 響きあうテレパシー
Warmth and love never die. We're always by your side, resonating telepathically
心配無用 涙で前が みえなくなっても陽はまた昇る
Don't worry. Even if your tears prevent you seeing what's in front of you, the sun will rise again
You can go to sleep and be reborn many times
くよくよしないで 今をパラダイスにかえる
Don't fret, turn the present moment into a paradise

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