安妮朵拉 - Far Away - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 安妮朵拉 - Far Away

Far Away
Far Away
在天亮之前他早已準備好行囊 準備天一亮就離開這裡去遠方
He packed his bags before daybreak, ready to leave for a distant land at first light
他的眼睛裡沒有害怕沒有慌張 他只想記得此刻自己的模樣
There was no fear or panic in his eyes, he just wanted to remember what he looked like at that moment
把眼睛睜開慢慢適應了光亮 太陽緩緩升起慢慢曬乾迷惘
He opened his eyes and slowly adjusted to the light, the sun slowly rising and gently drying away his confusion
眼前的薄霧散開是一片未知的前方 他摒住呼吸邁開了步伐
The mist before him cleared, revealing an unknown path ahead, and he held his breath as he took a step
他就要離開這地方 告別了凝望的方向
He was about to leave this place, and say goodbye to the direction he had been staring at
把昨天所有的後悔都遺忘 讓風吹散吧
Let the wind blow away all the regrets of yesterday, and forget them
他就要離開去遠方 可能還有一點迷惘
He was about to leave for a distant land, perhaps still a little confused
不管前方是烏雲還是太陽 朝嚮往的遠方 前往
Whether there are dark clouds or sunshine ahead, he headed towards the distant land of his dreams

Авторы: 陳以恩

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