小肥 - 負親 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 小肥 - 負親

I reminisce about when I first met you,
But I was afraid of your coarse whiskers,
嚎哭退开 你却温暖地和妈妈蜜意低声说:"他真百厌"
I howled and recoiled, but you warmly whispered to my mother, "He's really annoying".
然后六岁亦 未敢挨近你
Even at the age of six, I dared not get close to you,
是你庄严正气 像说别要骚扰你
You were so serious and dignified, as if to say, "Don't bother me".
从此讲一声晚安 还需苦苦挣扎过
From then on, saying goodnight was a struggle,
It was like breaking up with a lover, I felt so helpless.
让光阴如水 我跟你到了某天相对
Time flowed like water, and one day we sat across from each other,
晚餐里 比不相识更没趣
Dinner was more awkward than meeting a stranger.
A decade later, I saw you again,
You were asleep, breathing with the help of a machine.
Your hands were slightly warm as you reached out to me and said, "Don't leave me".
重新讲一声晚安 才知今天的你我
I finally said goodnight, and realized that you and I today,
Cannot tell each other a happy story to look back on.
夺出的泪水 我知道与你这天相对
The tears I shed, I know that this day with you,
瞬间里 置身黑色派对
In the blink of an eye, I am at a funeral.
时光返不到最初 回忆一天天错过
Time cannot be reversed, memories are missed every day,
I can no longer say my promise to you in person.
But my heart holds my voice in a fortress I secretly built,
The past mistakes cannot be erased.
曾经收起的抱拥 曾经懒去寄的书信
The hugs I once withheld, the letters I was too lazy to send,
At the funeral, they are useless.
墓碑的旁边 我即使向你谈论今天的锁碎
Next to your tombstone, even if I talk to you about today's trivia,
You will not reply.
若当天孩子 懂得将"我爱你"这一句豁出去
If I had known as a child to say "I love you" without hesitation,
Perhaps the gap between us would have narrowed.

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