Ozawa Kenji - ぼくらが旅に出る理由 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ozawa Kenji - ぼくらが旅に出る理由

The Reason We Travel
Was it somebody's fault that I changed my mind? I wasn't really feeling it
東京タワーから続いてく道 君は完全にはしゃいでるのさ
From Tokyo Tower, the road goes on, you're having the time of your life
人気のない秋の渚 ぼくらだけにひらける空
An empty autumn beach, a sky that's open only to us
「元気でいて」とギュッと抱きしめて 空港へ先を急ぐのさ
"Stay well," you hug me tightly, and hurry to the airport
遠くまで旅する恋人に あふれる幸せを祈るよ
I pray for an overflowing happiness for my lover who's traveling far away
In the world where we live, the sun rises as usual
Joy and sorrow visit us from time to time
遠くから届く宇宙の光 街中でつづいてく暮らし
The light of the universe reaches us from afar, our lives continue in the city
In the world where we live, there are reasons for us to travel
Everyone waves goodbye and parts for a while
そして君は摩天楼で 僕にあてハガキを書いた
And then you wrote me a postcard from a skyscraper
「こんなに遠く離れていると 愛はまた深まってくの」と
"When we're this far apart, our love deepens even more"
それで僕は腕をふるって 君にあて返事を書いた
So I picked up my pen and wrote you back
とても素敵な長い手紙さ なにを書いたかはナイショなのさ
It's a very nice long letter, but what I wrote is a secret
遠くまで旅する恋人に あふれる幸せを祈るよ
I pray for an overflowing happiness for my lover who's traveling far away
In the world where we live, the sun rises as usual
Joy and sorrow visit us from time to time
遠くから届く宇宙の光 街中でつづいてく暮らし
The light of the universe reaches us from afar, our lives continue in the city
In the world where we live, there are reasons for us to travel
Everyone waves goodbye and parts for a while
そして毎日はつづいてく 丘を越え僕たちは歩く
And so each day continues, we walk across the hills
The moment of twilight when we visit a beautiful star
It's so sad, so sad, my heart aches
遠くまで旅する人たちに あふれる幸せを祈るよ
I pray for an overflowing happiness for those who travel far away
In the world where we live, there are reasons for us to travel
Everyone waves goodbye and parts for a while

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