小男孩樂團 - 小男孩如是說 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 小男孩樂團 - 小男孩如是說

Little Boy Says
當艷陽燒灼 駱駝 踩著寂寞
When the sun scorches, the camel steps on the loneliness
當落日拉長 孤單的輪廓
When the sunset lengthens, the lonely outline
頭也不回地 翻過無邊 風化沙漠
With no looking back, we cross over the boundless weathered desert
抬頭仰望星空 世界染成墨
Look up and gaze at the stars, the world turns into ink
曾經也 幻想掙脫 背上的枷鎖
Used to imagine breaking free from the shackles on my back
衝向那 更浩瀚的宇宙
Run to that more splendid universe
有個 清晰聲音 在耳邊 不斷地訴說
There's a clear voice in my ear, telling me constantly
溫柔地拭去 藏在 角落的淚珠
Gently wiping away the tear pearls hidden in the corner
安慰了 你滿身的落魄
Comforts your loser state
給了我承諾 眼前這長路 絕不是盡頭
Giving me a promise, the long road ahead is not the end
孤獨時 你會怎麼說?
When you're lonely, what do you say?
當山谷迴盪 獅子 雄偉低吼
When the valley echoes, the majestic lion roars
當草原控制 氣候的運作
When the grasslands control the operation of the climate
無所畏懼地 踏過荊棘 殘暴爭奪
Crossing fearlessly through the thorns, cruel competition
低頭俯瞰大地 視野再開闊
Looking down on the vast earth, the view opens up
雖然已 擁有驕傲 成熟的面容
Even though I already have the pride, the mature face
登上那 夢想者的巔峰
Climbing to the top of the dreamer's peak
還有個 清晰聲音 在耳邊 不斷地訴說
There's a clear voice in my ear, telling me constantly
勇敢地接受 桂冠 耀眼的光榮
Accepting the crown bravely, the dazzling glory
你就是 全世界的拯救
You're the savior of the whole world
給了我所有 是否反而會 失去了所有
Gave me everything, will I lose everything instead?
成功時 你會怎麼說?
When you succeed, what do you say?
The boy's eyes
清澈地像琥珀 靈魂之光閃爍
As clear as amber, the soul light flickers
穿越時空 用熱情雙手
Cross time and space with my passionate hands
找回童年初衷 追尋心中花朵
Finding my childhood dream, pursuing the flower in my heart
Not looking back
我們都 輕易忘了 內心的執著
We all easily forget the persistence in our hearts
迷失在 不相同的懦弱
Getting lost in different weaknesses
還有個 清晰聲音 在耳邊 不斷地訴說
There's a clear voice in my ear, telling me constantly
那麼地 天真無邪 那麼地 寬容
So innocent, so tolerant
跨大步 有信心就足夠
Step forward, it will be enough with confidence
原諒了罪過 同時換來了 無盡的自由
Forgiving sins, and at the same time, gaining boundless freedom
小男孩 你會這麼說!
Little boy, you'll say so!

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