岡崎体育 - 潮風 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 岡崎体育 - 潮風

Sea Breeze
朝のおぼろげとした静寂 ペンの柄に映る窓越しの東雲
The faint stillness of the morning Reflected in the pattern on my pen The eastern sky through the window
夜の色鮮やかな喧噪 猫のように街と街を往来
The vivid clamor of the night A cat sauntering between streets and streets
硬い思念 柔い思考 近い想い 遠い記憶 髪の毛の癖
Hard thoughts Soft thinking Similar feelings Distant memories Kinky hair
狭い視野 広い交遊 長い沈黙 短い挨拶 声のトーン
A narrow perspective A wide circle of acquaintances A long silence A short greeting The tone of your voice
互いに違う目の奥の光 条約にない友好の跡
The different lights in our eyes The trace of an un-treaty-bound friendship
In the vast sea that steals the sands of time
Swallowed and submerged by the sparse waves of antonyms and synonyms
正面衝突 正反対も解いては結んで
A head-on collision The starkest of opposites I unravel and tie
論及 論決 幾星霜に散らばる言葉を集めて拾うよ
Discourse Judgement Through countless years I gather up the scattered words
潮風薫りゆく 浜辺に浮かべた繋がりは一つに
The connection on the shore imbued with the scent of the sea breeze Becomes one
夏の駅に眩んだ電光 ワイシャツの襟に滴る勤め汗
The bright glare of the station The sweat of labor dripping down my shirt collar
冬の雨にくすんだ憧憬 薄めた絵の具で線を描いた
The faded longing of the winter rain Lines drawn in watered-down paint
裸眼でなぞった普段の景色 片手で掬う現代の用途
A bare-eyed tracing of the usual scenery Scooped up in one hand The work of today
Overwhelmed by the incessant clatter of updates
Swallowed and submerged by the sparse waves of antonyms and synonyms
Spinning and chipping away at the youthful tales of boys and girls
根本 根底 見据えた景色は同じ色してる旅だと祈るよ
The fundamentals The essence The view I have set my sights on is the same color I pray that it is a journey
潮風香り立つ 潮にゆだねる想いは二人で
The salty tang of the sea breeze The thoughts entrusted to the tide Together, the two of us
Swallowed and submerged by the sparse waves of antonyms and synonyms
正面衝突 正反対も解いては結んで
A head-on collision The starkest of opposites I unravel and tie
論及 論決 幾星霜に散らばる言葉を集めて拾うよ
Discourse Judgement Through countless years I gather up the scattered words
潮風薫りゆく 浜辺に浮かべた繋がりは一つに
The connection on the shore imbued with the scent of the sea breeze Becomes one

Авторы: 岡崎体育, 岡崎 体育

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