巫啟賢 - 一生所求 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 巫啟賢 - 一生所求

A Lifetime's Wish
跟随时光 不停向前走
Relentlessly I follow on as time never stops,
再追逐中跌伤 在挣扎中成长
Again and again I fall as I chase after more,
The waves of the real world are just too ruthless,
一生所求 能到梦的最高点
My lifelong wish, to rise to dreams' highest peak,
即使瞬间 也甘于所有
Even for just a moment, I would willingly give my all,
太多该与不该 只能忙碌徘徊
So many rights and wrongs, I can only wander in confusion,
Within the struggle between contradictions and missed chances, regrets grow,
人总是向高处 不愿向水低流
People always look to the heights, never wanting to flow downstream,
奈何在我心中 太多绳索牵绊摆不脱
Alas, in my heart, too many tethers bind me, I can't break free,
最高也许寂寞 失意的时候谁会记得我
Perhaps the summit is lonely, in times of despair who will remember me?
发现快乐 平淡时最多
I've discovered that happiness is most abundant in simplicity,
一生所求 能与最爱共白首
My lifelong wish, to grow old together with my love,
只求起落中 不曾失去真我
Through all the ups and downs, may I never lose my true self,
一生所求 能到梦的最高点
My lifelong wish, to rise to dreams' highest peak,
即使瞬间 也甘于所有
Even for just a moment, I would willingly give my all,
太多该与不该 只能忙碌徘徊
So many rights and wrongs, I can only wander in confusion,
Within the struggle between contradictions and missed chances, regrets grow,
人总是向高处 不愿向水低流
People always look to the heights, never wanting to flow downstream,
奈何在我心中 太多绳索牵绊摆不脱
Alas, in my heart, too many tethers bind me, I can't break free,
最高也许寂寞 失意的时候谁会记得我
Perhaps the summit is lonely, in times of despair who will remember me?
发现快乐 平淡时最多
I've discovered that happiness is most abundant in simplicity,
一生所求 能与最爱共白首
My lifelong wish, to grow old together with my love,
只求起落中 不曾失去真我
Through all the ups and downs, may I never lose my true self,
未来的岁月 不愿失去真我
In the years to come, may I never lose my true self,

Авторы: 巫啟賢, 陳佳明

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