廖若瑄 feat. 趙家瑜 & 黃妍蓁 - 想起青春的我們 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 廖若瑄 feat. 趙家瑜 & 黃妍蓁 - 想起青春的我們

Reminiscing About Our Youth
(女)你看著我 我望著你
(Female)You look at me, I gaze at you,
(女)共同建立 我們的回憶
(Female)Together we build our memories.
(Female)Now that we're parting ways,
(Female)I want to tell you
(Male)I long to tell you
(Both)Thank you
(女)你曾說過 一路順風
(Female)You once said, "Smooth sailing,"
(女)珍重再見 期待再相逢
(Female)Farewell and take care, and I hope to see you again.
(Female)Looking up at the azure sky,
(Female)Catching dreams as vibrant as rainbows.
(男)頭前溪 雨初晴 不變的夏季
(Male)By the Touqian Creek, after the rain subsides, summer remains.
(女)相聚過 散場後 瞻望同片星空
(Female)We meet, we disperse, yet we look up at the same starry sky.
(女)在最青澀的年紀 鑄下錯誤的美麗
(Female)In our most tender years, we made a beautiful mistake.
(女)我又想起 青春的我們
(Female)I think back to our youthful selves,
(女)在教室中 數著秒針
(Female)Counting the seconds in our classrooms.
(男)多麼希望 時間能夠等等
(Male)How I wish time would slow its pace,
(男)讓我 揖住彼此的緣分
(Male)Allowing me to cherish our connection.
(女)努力把你們 留在心中
(Female)I strive to keep you close to my heart,
(Female)No matter how many winters pass.
(男)依然佇立 無法撼動
(Male)Still I stand firm, unyielding,
(Male)This is the covenant that belongs to you and me.
(男)如果命運 能夠重來
(Male)If fate could unwind, I
(男)我會珍惜 我們的牽絆
(Male)Would hold dear our bond.
(Female)As we set sail on the vast ocean,
(Both)We embark on a new future.
(男)思今古 讀人生 不變的道理
(Male)Reflecting on history and life's journey, I glean timeless truths.
(女)我抬頭 你昂首 記得稚氣臉孔
(Female)I raise my head, you lift your chin, and we remember our innocent faces.
(女)印下一長串的足跡 緊握尋夢的希冀
(Female)We leave behind an endless trail of footsteps, holding tight to our dreams.
(女)我又想起 青春的我們
(Female)I think back to our youthful selves,
(女)在教室中 數著秒針
(Female)Counting the seconds in our classrooms.
(男)多麼希望 時間能夠等等
(Male)How I wish time would slow its pace,
(男)讓我 揖住彼此的緣分
(Male)Allowing me to cherish our connection.
(女)努力把你們 留在心中
(Female)I strive to keep you close to my heart,
(Female)No matter how many winters pass.
(女)依然佇立 無法撼動
(Female)Still I stand firm, unyielding,
(Female)This is the covenant that belongs to you and me.
(合)我又想起 青春的我們
(Both)I think back to our youthful selves,
(合)在教室中 數著秒針
(Both)Counting the seconds in our classrooms.
(合)多麼希望 時間能夠等等
(Both)How I wish time would slow its pace,
(合)讓我 揖住彼此的緣分
(Both)Allowing me to cherish our connection.
(合)努力把你們 留在心中
(Both)I strive to keep you close to my heart,
(Both)No matter how many winters pass.
(合)依然佇立 無法撼動
(Both)Still we stand firm, unyielding,
(Both)This is the covenant that belongs to you and me.
(女)努力把你們 留在心中
(Female)I strive to keep you close to my heart,
(Female)No matter how many winters pass.
(女)選擇建功 海闊天空
(Female)Choosing to build a legacy, where the sky's the limit,
(Both)We seek the dreams we wove together.

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