Not winning the Best Actor Award for the love play
這種肥皂劇 有誰會投票
Who would vote for such soap operas?
斷了愛情路 以為遠走天高
Thought you could escape by breaking up
撞到鬼打墻 躲也躲不了
Hit the invisible wall and can't avoid it
相處有那麼難嗎? 愛有比較簡單嗎?
Is getting along difficult? Isn't loving more straightforward?
學校老師沒教嗎? 老師剛剛才離婚
Didn't the school teachers teach you? The teacher just got divorced
喔.~~ 我愛你 你愛我
Oh, I love you, you love me
為了把到手 每天說 相處久
To get hold of you, I told you we must date a long time
原形露 原來卸完妝 是恐龍
The true face was revealed, and it turned out to be a dinosaur after taking off makeup
It's not judging by appearance
做人就誠實很基本 但是我看那女孩
Honesty is a basic requirement in life, but that girl I saw
Had layers of paint on her face
男生 也好不到哪里去
Boys are not much better
尿尿 就是要滴出馬桶外 睡覺打呼比雷打還吵 誰也受不了
Pee always splashing out of the toilet, and the snoring is worse than thunder, nobody can stand it
Often throwing tantrums over little things
像是整理房間的鳥事 用完的杯子也不洗
Like the trivial matter of tidying up the room, and the used cups are left unwashed
看完的片子也不收 吃完的雞排也不丟
The movies watched remain stacked, and the chicken bones are not thrown away
豬朋狗友也不走 住在一起是為什麼
The friends also stay overnight, what's the point of being together?
Or is this just asking for trouble?
You must retake the failed love exam
要作弊也好 要留級也好
Cheating or repeating a grade is acceptable
欠了愛情的債 就別再逃跑
Don't run away from your love debts
這次還不了 下次雙倍繳
Pay double next time if you can't afford it now
Not winning the Best Actor Award for the love play
這種肥皂劇 有誰會投票
Who would vote for such soap operas?
斷了愛情路 以為遠走天高
Thought you could escape by breaking up
撞到鬼打墻 躲也躲不了
Hit the invisible wall and can't avoid it
戀愛就像學問 當然也有些天分
Love is like knowledge, and it is also partly due to talent
Intelligent people may not necessarily pass love exams
Foolish people may score 100 points in front of girls
要幾分 才符合對方的標準?
How many points to meet your standards?
才是所謂的好男人 人生必修學分
To be your ideal partner of excellence
分了又合 合了又分 分了又合 分分合 分分合
Breaking up and getting back together, getting back together and breaking up, breaking up and getting back together, separating, separating and getting back together
It seems like the fate of a gambler
A hopeless fate of no return
Although love cannot be eaten as food
Your life will be dull without it
You must retake the failed love exam
要作弊也好 要留級也好
Cheating or repeating a grade is acceptable
欠了愛情的債 就別再逃跑
Don't run away from your love debts
這次還不了 下次雙倍繳
Pay double next time if you can't afford it now
Not winning the Best Actor Award for the love play
這種肥皂劇 有誰會投票
Who would vote for such soap operas?
斷了愛情路 以為遠走天高
Thought you could escape by breaking up
撞到鬼打墻 躲也躲不了
Hit the invisible wall and can't avoid it
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