張柏芝 - 男人这东西 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 張柏芝 - 男人这东西

Men Are Like This
曲: 吴国敬
Composer: Wu Guojing
芝)抱过你数次 他肯亲吻你几次
(You) He's hugged you a few times, but how many times has he kissed you?
若是我做你 实在值得哭到收市
If I were you, I'd cry so hard I wouldn't be able to stop.
(岚)你有你有意 他怎推却你好意
(Me) But you have his attention, so why would he refuse your good intentions?
日夜送大礼 若谢绝你苦过考试
He brings you gifts day and night. If he refuses you, it's like failing a test.
He always has a lily key ready for me.
(You) He's so shameless, calling me whenever he wants.
(合)要爱便爱 要独占他多讽刺
(Both) If you love someone, you want to be the only one they love. It's so ironic.
(芝)你觉得他爱你 我要恭喜你
(You) You think he loves you? I pity you.
(岚)你记得他爱你 更爱欣赏马戏
(Me) You remember when he loved you? He also loved watching the circus.
(合)他会分心爱我 他有几深爱你
(Both) He'll be distracted by his love for me. How deeply does he love you?
*(岚)(芝)每次当他吻我 你有多生气
*(Me)(You) How angry are you every time he kisses me?
(芝)(岚)每次当他吻我 你会怎么泄气
(You)(Me) How defeated do you feel every time he kisses me?
(合)他爱张三李四 但谁是不三不四
(Both) He loves everyone, but who's the most promiscuous?
(Me) You're jealous.
(芝)他亲手替我修趾 聚会要预你
(You) He helped me paint my toenails and even offered to be my driver.
He would even pretend to be a driver.
(岚)哪里会介意 彼此都不顾宗旨
(Me) Why would you care? Neither of us cares about principles.
(Both) Let's share our secrets.
(岚)无论他多爱你 也会委屈你
(Me) No matter how much he loves you, he'll still hurt you.
(You) All he cares about is watching us perform like a circus.
他会分心爱我 他有几深爱
He'll be distracted by his love for me. How deeply does he love you?
*(岚)(芝)每次当他吻我 你有多生气
*(Me)(You) How angry are you every time he kisses me?
(芝)(岚)每次当他吻我 你会怎么泄气
(You)(Me) How defeated do you feel every time he kisses me?
(合)他爱张三李四 但谁是不三不四
(Both) He loves everyone, but who's the most promiscuous?
(岚)无论他多爱你 也会委屈你
(Me) No matter how much he loves you, he'll still hurt you.
(You) All he cares about is watching us perform like a circus.
他会分心爱我 他有几深爱
He'll be distracted by his love for me. How deeply does he love you?
*(岚)(芝)每次当他吻我 你有多生气
*(Me)(You) How angry are you every time he kisses me?
(芝)(岚)每次当他吻我 你会怎么泄气
(You)(Me) How defeated do you feel every time he kisses me?
(合)他爱张三李四 但谁是不三不四
(Both) He loves everyone, but who's the most promiscuous?

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