張敬軒 - 潛水 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 張敬軒 - 潛水

We are like the rain by the window~
背棄密雲跟風向找一角 暫居
Abandoning the clouds and wind to find a corner and settle for a while
Passersby also seek a peaceful sleep
最怕突然打雷 驚嚇 呼喊夢見的~ 仙境粉碎
Most afraid of sudden thunder, frightening to awaken the~ fairyland to pieces
We are like a death squad~
對抗壞人擊不退 少不免得罪
Fighting bad guys, can't be defeated, bound to offend
Like the weak being fatally wounded
如強硬沒一點畏懼~ 在炮火裡~ 豁出去~
Like the strong with no fear at all~ in the artillery fire~ break out~
成就計時逐個追 難道我們難活得瀟灑乾脆 踏上不歸之旅
Accomplishing one by one, is it hard to live freely and decisively, embarking on a journey of no return
停滯眼前鬧市區 然後我們仍幻想天塌地震繼續潛水
Stagnating in the downtown before us, we still imagine the sky falling and earthquakes, continuing to dive
偏踩中地雷 失去~ 焦距
Accidentally stepping on a landmine, losing~ focus
Big movement, stretching out lazily~
No ambition to lead the ant colony
Leaving behind the boy who reached for the stars
成為奴隸 雙手廢掉~ 尚有心跳~ 救不了~
Becoming a slave, hands useless~ still with a heartbeat~ can't save~
成就計時逐個追 難道我們難活得瀟灑乾脆 踏上不歸之旅
Accomplishing one by one, is it hard to live freely and decisively, embarking on a journey of no return
停滯眼前鬧市區 然後我們仍幻想天塌地震繼續潛水 下去~
Stagnating in the downtown before us, we still imagine the sky falling and earthquakes, continuing to dive~
隔開~ 憂慮~
Shutting out~ worries~
沉淪下去~ 看海底~ 有堡壘造壯舉~ 和人魚成為伴侶
Sinking down~ seeing under the sea~ there is a fortress for great achievements~ becoming partners with mermaids
蔓延想像才安逸 准我從此~
Spreading imagination, then peace, let me henceforth~
Roam in the depths
成就計時逐個追 難道我們存在感揮之即去 翻身艱巨
Accomplishing one by one, if we exist only to perform, difficult to turn things around
停滯眼前鬧市區 然後我們無目的飄~泊 冒雨水~
Stagnating in the downtown before us, we aimlessly~ drift, exposed to rain~
成就計時逐個追 難道我們難活得瀟灑乾脆 踏上不歸之旅
Accomplishing one by one, is it hard to live freely and decisively, embarking on a journey of no return
停滯眼前鬧市區 然後我們奇遇幻想~ 統統失據人海~ 只可跟隊追隨
Stagnating in the downtown before us, our adventures and fantasies~ all lost in the crowd~ only able to follow the flock
Only then can we go with the flow and endure
Watching every drop of rain by the window~
Let's make a toast and get drunk

Авторы: Jia Qian Lin, Yao Sen Chen

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