張敬軒 - 笑忘書 (RADIO REMIX) - Radio Remix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 張敬軒 - 笑忘書 (RADIO REMIX) - Radio Remix

笑忘書 (RADIO REMIX) - Radio Remix
Book of Forgotten Laughs (RADIO REMIX) - Radio Remix
背負個包袱 跳落大峽谷
Must carry a burden, then leap into the Grand Canyon,
煩惱 用個大網將你捕捉
Worries will capture you with a large net,
還是你 拋不開拘束
Or is it you who will not shed your shackles?
昨夜發的夢 到這夜已告終
The dream you dreamt last night came to an end tonight,
沉下去 頭上散落雨點沒有彩虹
You will sink, with no rainbows in the raindrops that fall upon your head.
還在抱著記憶 就似塊石頭很重
You are still holding onto memories, like a heavy stone.
得到同樣快樂 彼此亦有沮喪
Both attaining the same joy, we both have our downfalls,
It is inevitable that in leaving childhood, we must learn to be disappointed in fairy tales.
經過同樣上落 彼此墮進灰網
Both going through the same ups and downs, we both fall into the net of despair.
沉溺 煩擾 磨折 何苦 多講
To dwell on worries and setbacks is pointless, to say nothing of it.
快樂到孤獨 缺乏到滿足
I am joyous to the point of loneliness, I am lacking to the point of being fulfilled,
遊戲 就算愉快不會幸福
Even when a game is enjoyable, it will not bring happiness.
人大了 開心都想哭
As you grow older, even when you are happy, you feel like crying.
每日要生活 每日要鬥苦
I must live day by day, I must fight every day,
捱下去 連上帝亦也許沒法攙扶
I persevere, even when God himself has maybe not the strength to support me.
前路有右與左 面對抉擇難兼顧
My path ahead has both right and left, and in the face of my choices, it is difficult to find a balance.
得到同樣快樂 彼此亦有沮喪
Both attaining the same joy, we both have our downfalls,
It is inevitable that in leaving childhood, we must learn to be disappointed in fairy tales.
經過同樣上落 彼此墮進灰網
Both going through the same ups and downs, we both fall into the net of despair.
沉溺 煩擾 磨折 何苦 多講
To dwell on worries and setbacks is pointless, to say nothing of it.
擁有同樣寄望 彼此亦有苦況
We both have the same hopes, and we both have our hardships,
In leaving childhood, cotton candy once gave you a joyful paradise.
經過同樣跌盪 可會學會釋放
After going through the same ups and downs, will we be able to learn to let go?
童話 情書 遺書 尋找 答案
Fairy tales, love letters, suicide notes, searching, answers.
曾經 曾經 回憶當天三歲的波板糖
Once, once, remembering the three-year-old with a lollipop that day.

Авторы: Xi Lin, C Y Kong

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