A-Mei Chang - 你在看我嗎 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни A-Mei Chang - 你在看我嗎

Are You Looking at Me
三點鐘方向 誰在偷偷的眺望
At three o'clock, who's peeking
掩飾著渴望 漫不經心的偽裝
Hiding your desire, pretending not to care
眼神的遊蕩 盡量自然
Your eyes are wandering, trying to look natural
似有若無的 偷偷打量
Stealthy glances, taking me in
眼角的餘光 和你對上 你有點緊張
The corner of my eye catches yours, you look away quickly
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看我嗎 被你盯上
Are you looking at me? You've caught my attention
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看什麼 害怕被發現嗎
What are you looking at? Are you afraid I'll find out?
瞳孔讓你 所有秘密 露出了痕跡
Your pupils betray you, revealing your every secret
氣氛詭異 卻有訊息 偷偷的傳遞
The atmosphere is strange, but there's a message being sent
曖昧的頻率 瀰漫空氣
A surge of attraction fills the air
這一秒開始 和你遊戲
From this moment on, I'll play your game
眼神回敬你 誰先游移 是誰輸不起
I'll meet your gaze, and whoever looks away first loses
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看我嗎 被你盯上
Are you looking at me? You've caught my attention
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看什麼 害怕被發現嗎
What are you looking at? Are you afraid I'll find out?
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看我嗎 不必緊張
Are you looking at me? Don't be nervous
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看什麼 害怕被發現嗎
What are you looking at? Are you afraid I'll find out?
你在 看我 你想幹什麼
You're looking at me, but what do you want?
你在 看我 挑逗著寂寞
You're looking at me, flirting with loneliness
你到底在看什麼 還是你習慣動作
What are you really looking at, or is it just a habit?
Your eyes scan my lipstick, over and over again
你不敢停留太久 是貪心還是害羞
You don't dare to linger too long, are you greedy or shy?
Your clear, dark eyes turn around and around
我早就看到你 用眼角在回禮
I've already seen you looking at me from the corner of your eye
這時候不用聲音 也能聽得到回音
At this moment, even without words, I can hear your echo
躲在睫毛裡面 曖昧已經出現
Hidden beneath your lashes, the attraction is undeniable
So please stop swaying back and forth
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看我嗎 被你盯上
Are you looking at me? You've caught my attention
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看什麼 害怕被發現嗎
What are you looking at? Are you afraid I'll find out?
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看我嗎 不必緊張
Are you looking at me? Don't be nervous
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看什麼 害怕被發現嗎
What are you looking at? Are you afraid I'll find out?
你在 看我 你想幹什麼
You're looking at me, but what do you want?
你在 看我 oh
You're looking at me, oh
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看我嗎 被你盯上
Are you looking at me? You've caught my attention
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看什麼 害怕被發現嗎
What are you looking at? Are you afraid I'll find out?
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看我嗎 不必緊張
Are you looking at me? Don't be nervous
你在看我嗎 你在看我嗎
Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me?
你在看什麼 害怕被發現嗎
What are you looking at? Are you afraid I'll find out?

Авторы: Alex Ni, Zhen-chuan Chen

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