A-Mei Chang - 王妃 - Sound Of My Dream / Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни A-Mei Chang - 王妃 - Sound Of My Dream / Live

王妃 - Sound Of My Dream / Live
Princess - Sound Of My Dream / Live
搖晃的紅酒杯 嘴唇像染著鮮血
My swaying glass of red wine, lips stained as if with blood,
那不尋常的美 難赦免的罪
Your beauty is so unusual, a sin that cannot be forgiven.
誰忠心的跟隨 充其量當個侍衛
Loyally following you at best makes me a guard,
腳下踩著玫瑰 回敬一個吻當安慰
Roses trampled beneath your feet, a kiss in return as a consolation.
像蠢動的音樂 教人們怎麼成眠
Like stirring music, teaching people how to sleep.
不知名的香水 窒息的鬼魅
Unknown perfume, choking specter.
鋒利的高跟鞋 讓多少心腸破碎
Sharp heels, shattering how many hearts.
彎刀一般的眉 捍衛你的秘密花園
Eyebrows like a curved knife, defending your secret garden.
夜太美 儘管再危險
The night is too beautiful, even if it is dangerous.
There will always be someone staying up all night with dark circles under their eyes.
愛太美 儘管再危險
Love is too beautiful, even if it is dangerous.
I would spend everything and exceed a thousand years' worth of tears.
痛太美 儘管再卑微
Pain is too beautiful, even if it is tiny.
Making me want to taste the bitterness of having my body and soul destroyed.
你太美 儘管再無言
You are too beautiful, even if you are silent.
I want to isolate you from the world with a pile of stones.
我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美
My princess, I want to monopolize your beauty.
夜太美 儘管再危險
The night is too beautiful, even if it is dangerous.
There will always be someone staying up all night with dark circles under their eyes.
愛太美 儘管再危險
Love is too beautiful, even if it is dangerous.
I would spend everything and exceed a thousand years' worth of tears.
痛太美 儘管再卑微
Pain is too beautiful, even if it is tiny.
Making me want to taste the bitterness of having my body and soul destroyed.
你太美 儘管再無言
You are too beautiful, even if you are silent.
I want to isolate you from the world with a pile of stones.
我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美
My princess, I want to monopolize your beauty.

Авторы: Zhen-chuan Chen, Si Song Li

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