張三李四 - 那個男孩 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 張三李四 - 那個男孩

That Boy
那個男孩 他來自鄉下一個小鎮
That boy he comes from a small town
為了理想 他站著躺著時刻夢著
For his dream he stands, lies, and always dreams
那麼大的 城市在變化總那麼扯
That big of a city that always changes too fast
He tries to follow the steps and hopes one day he’ll be recognized
告訴家人 他每天充實過得很快樂
He tells his family, he’s full of everyday joy
事實上呢 他到處碰壁撐得很曲折
As a matter of fact, he’s hitting a wall and it’s getting very twisted
告訴家人 他每天溫飽吃得很均衡
He tells his family, he’s full of food and very well balanced
事實上呢 他早晚兩餐省得很兇的
As a matter of fact, he’s saving money on breakfast and dinner
於是計算著 離夢想 還有多少腳程
And so he counts, how far away, the distance to his dream
於是忍受著 人群裡 看不起的笑聲
And so he endures, in the crowd, the laughter that looks down
他相信未來 一定有他的份 所以發奮
He believes the future, must have a place for him so he buckles down
相信樂觀 一定都能反正 所以認真
Believe optimism, must be able to turn things around so he takes it seriously
那個男孩 想脫離他只是個男孩
That boy he wants to break out, he’s just a boy
找個女孩 一起生幾個可愛小孩
Find a girl and have a few lovely kids
但現實總是 充滿著好人卡的無奈
But reality is always, full of friend zone helplessness
Can only be lonely at night to bear interminable unbearable loneliness
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
那個男孩 成了個習慣忙碌角色
That boy has become a workaholic character
為了理想 他走著跑著時刻追著
For his dream he walks, runs, and always chases
那麼多的 壓力在眼前要去負荷
So much, pressure right in front of him he has to bear
He lives with all his might without forgetting the original heart
告訴家人 他每天充實過得很快樂
He tells his family, he’s full of everyday joy
事實上呢 他每夜應酬醉得沒分寸
As a matter of fact, he gets drunk every night
告訴家人 他每天溫飽吃的很均衡
He tells his family, he’s full of food and very well balanced
事實上呢 他只剩一餐沒時間吃喝
As a matter of fact, he has no time to eat and drink
於是踏上了 這條路 不管多遠腳程
And so he embarks on, this road, no matter how far the distance
於是堅持著 人群裡 漸漸不再笑聲
And so he persists, in the crowd, gradually no longer laughter
他繼續狂奔 直到耀眼銀河 累倒寧可
He continues running, until the bright galaxy, would rather collapse
繼續沸騰 直到地裂天崩 不撿現成
Continue boiling, until the world cracks and falls apart, don’t pick up anything
那個男孩 他已經不只是個男孩
That boy he’s no longer just a boy
有個女孩 喜歡上他的努力覺得帥
There’s a girl, who fell in love with his efforts
一起組成 屬於他們的家他們的愛
Together they create, a home of them, their love
Support each other, not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of hardships
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
那個男孩 他望著窗外雙鬢斑白
That boy he looks out the window at his gray hair
為了理想 代價是花了人生半百
For his dream the price was half a hundred years of his life
那麼深的 感觸在心裡不能重來
So deep, emotion in his heart, can’t do it again
He still admits that he’s deficient and has never stopped searching for answers
多少年來 他跌跌撞撞有了心得
For many year he has been stumbling and has some experience
Through hardships and joys he experienced his style
沒有永恆 故事的開頭就得作抉擇
There’s no eternity, at the beginning of the story it’s time to make a choice
The curtain still has to drop
於是回到了 他故鄉 要分享傳承
And so he returns to, his hometown, to share, to pass on
於是那眾人 都見證 訕笑變成掌聲
And so those people all witness, sneers become applause
他終於懂得 要把握在當下 適時放下
He finally understands, to grasp the present moment, and to let go at the right time
終於懂得 要不斷再自責 不怕指責
Finally he understands, to always blame himself, not to be afraid of blaming
那個男孩 原來始終還是個男孩
That boy is still a boy in the end
那個女孩 陪伴著他和子子孫孫
That girl, stays with him and their children and grandchildren
生命的課程 只要勇敢沒有不能勝任
Life’s lessons, as long as one is brave, there’s nothing that can’t be mastered
他說要記得 比昨日更好就是人生
He said to remember, to be better than yesterday is life
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you a bigger world
A better you better you
A better you better you

Авторы: Chang And Lee

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