張學友 - 祝褔 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 張學友 - 祝褔 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012

祝褔 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
Blessing - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
不要問 不要說 一切盡在不言中
Don't ask, don't say, everything is unspoken
這一刻 偎著燭光 讓我們靜靜的渡過
In this moment, cuddling by candlelight, let's spend it quietly
莫揮手 莫回頭 當我唱起這首歌
Don't wave, don't turn around, as I sing this song
怕只怕 淚水輕輕地滑落
I'm afraid tears will fall gently
願心中永遠留著 我的笑容 伴你走過 每一個春夏秋冬
May your heart forever hold my smile, accompanying you through every spring, summer, autumn, and winter
傷離別 離別雖然在眼前 說再見 再見不會太遙遠
Sad to part, though parting is before us, saying goodbye, goodbye won't be too distant
若有緣 有緣就能期待明天 你和我重逢在 燦爛的季節
If fate allows, we can look forward to tomorrow, you and I reuniting in a radiant season
幾許愁 幾許憂 人生難免苦與痛
How much sorrow, how much worry, life inevitably has suffering and pain
失去過 才能真正懂得 去珍惜和擁有
Only after losing can one truly understand how to cherish and possess
情難捨 人難留 今朝一別各西東
Love is hard to give up, people are hard to keep, today we part, each going our separate ways
冷和熱 點點滴滴在心頭
Cold and warm, every bit and piece in my heart
願心中永遠留著 我的笑容 伴你走過 每一個春夏秋冬
May your heart forever hold my smile, accompanying you through every spring, summer, autumn, and winter
傷離別 離別雖然在眼前 說再見 再見不會太遙遠
Sad to part, though parting is before us, saying goodbye, goodbye won't be too distant
若有緣 有緣就能期待明天 你和我重逢在 燦爛的季節
If fate allows, we can look forward to tomorrow, you and I reuniting in a radiant season
傷離別 離別雖然在眼前 說再見 再見不會太遙遠
Sad to part, though parting is before us, saying goodbye, goodbye won't be too distant
若有緣 有緣就能期待明天 你和我重逢在 燦爛的季節
If fate allows, we can look forward to tomorrow, you and I reuniting in a radiant season
不要問 不要說 一切盡在不言中
Don't ask, don't say, everything is unspoken
這一刻 偎著燭光 讓我們靜靜的渡過
In this moment, cuddling by candlelight, let's spend it quietly
莫揮手 莫回頭 當我唱起這首歌
Don't wave, don't turn around, as I sing this song
願心中 留著笑容 陪你渡過每個春夏秋冬
May your heart hold onto my smile, accompanying you through every spring, summer, autumn, and winter

Авторы: Ding Xiao Wen, Guo Heng Qi

張學友 - 張學友1/2世紀演唱會
дата релиза

1 Overture - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
2 Life Is Like A Dream - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
3 Summer Night - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
4 Double Trouble - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
5 Band Instroduction - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
6 李香蘭 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
7 每天愛你多一些 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
8 一顆不變心 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
9 舊情綿綿 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
10 我真的受傷了 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
11 心碎了無痕 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
12 餓狼傳說 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
13 頭髮亂了 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
14 這個冬天不太冷 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
15 遙遠的她 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
16 忘記你我做不到 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
17 寂寞的男人 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
18 祇想一生跟你走 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
19 真情流露 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
20 心如刀割 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
21 情人的眼淚 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
22 情網 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
23 離開以後 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
24 花花公子 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
25 小姐貴姓 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
26 初吻 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
27 你是我今生唯一傳奇 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
28 妳的名字我的姓氏 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
29 TRANSITION I分手 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
30 情願 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
31 一滴淚 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
32 TRANSITION II雨中 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
33 人在雨中 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
34 三分拍 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
35 如果愛 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
36 Rock Prelude - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
37 天氣這麼熱 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
38 吻別 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
39 當愛變成習慣 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
40 我應該 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
41 肥姐 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
42 迷你 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012
43 祝褔 - Live In Hong Kong / 2012

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