張清芳 - 出塞曲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 張清芳 - 出塞曲

Frontier Song
请为我叫一首出塞曲 用那遗忘了的古老言语
Please sing me a Frontier Song for me in the ancient tongue that's been forgotten
请用美丽的颤音轻轻呼唤 我心中的大好河山
Please gently call upon my beautiful, trembling voice and my heart's great rivers and mountains
那只有长城外才有的清香 谁说出塞歌的调子太悲凉
The sweet scent that only exists beyond the Great Wall Who says that the tune of the Frontier Song is too sorrowful
如果你不爱听那是因为 歌中没有你的渴望
If you don't like to listen to it then that's because the song doesn't contain your desires
而我们总是要一唱再唱 象这草原千里闪着金光
But we always have to sing it again and again just like these grasslands that gleam with gold for a thousand miles
象这风沙呼啸过大漠 象这黄河岸呐印山岗
Just like this wind and sand howling through the desert and these Yellow River banks that mark the mountain ridge
英雄骑马壮 骑马荣归故乡
Heroes ride horses valiantly and proudly return home on horseback
而我们总是要一唱再唱 象这草原千里闪着金光
But we always have to sing it again and again just like these grasslands that gleam with gold for a thousand miles
象这风沙呼啸过大漠 象这黄河岸呐印山岗
Just like this wind and sand howling through the desert and these Yellow River banks that mark the mountain ridge
英雄骑马壮 骑马荣归故乡
Heroes ride horses valiantly and proudly return home on horseback

Авторы: 李南華

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