Zhang Bichen - It's Love - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zhang Bichen - It's Love

It's Love
It's Love
躲不掉的布局 告誡喋喋不休
I can't avoid the layout. The nagging is relentless,
虛幻得太真切 像忘卻了傷疤 像忘卻了代價
The illusion is so real. Like I've forgotten the scar, like I've forgotten the price I paid.
夢裡呼喚著誰 喚著誰 Honey
Who am I calling in my dream? Who am I calling Honey?
那是誰 那是誰 Maybe
Who is that? Who is that? Maybe.
Love It's love
Love It's love
究竟為什麽原因 或許一道身影
What is the reason? Or maybe it's a figure.
就算墜落天際 毫不猶豫
Even if I fall from the sky, I won't hesitate.
狂蜂般遇見最美的觸碰 把心交出來
Like a bee, I met the most beautiful touch and gave my heart away.
I knew that there would be a him,
將我的夢打碎 讓淚流下臉龐
Who would break my dream and make tears flow down my face.
帶我離開光 看穿好強
He takes me away from the light, sees through my strong front.
再怎麽凝滯漆黑 都被他松綁 被愛緩緩暖化
No matter how dark and stagnant, he will loosen me, warm me up slowly with love.
找尋一份關於 在生存的迷宮
Looking for something about the maze of survival.
清晰得太曖昧 像積滿了雪花 像積滿了掙扎
Too clear to be ambiguous, like snow and struggle.
夢裡呼喚著誰 喚著誰 Honey
Who am I calling in my dream? Who am I calling Honey?
那是誰 那是誰 Maybe
Who is that? Who is that? Maybe.
Love it's love
Love it's love
究竟為什麽原因 我如此確定
What is the reason I'm so sure?
就算流言蜚語 也深信不疑
Even if there are rumors, I believe without a doubt.
狂蜂般遇見最美的觸碰 把心交出來
Like a bee, I met the most beautiful touch and gave my heart away.
如果殘忍不用如果 愛又為何要盼如果
If cruelty doesn't need an 'if', why should love wait for one?
側耳傾聽 點點 點點 滴滴 滴滴 命運的預兆
Listen closely to the drops, the drips, the fate.
總是突然無法招架 Yaya 總張牙舞爪
It always catches me off guard, Yaya. It's always so fierce.
自投羅網 緊緊 密密 密密 相擁 囚困著掙扎
I throw myself into the net, tight and tight. I hug you tightly, trapping you in my struggle.
脆弱的獨白 驕傲得血淋淋 閉上眼睛屏住呼吸
A fragile monologue, a proud and bloody mess. Close your eyes and hold your breath.
我知道會有一個他 珍藏我的複雜
I know that there will be a him who treasures my complexities.
安撫執迷 忍不住的雨 釋放夜幕 黎明
Calming my obsession, unstoppable rain. Releasing the night, the dawn.

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