張簡君偉 - 世界不會毀滅(Demo版 Karaoke Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 張簡君偉 - 世界不會毀滅(Demo版 Karaoke Version)

世界不會毀滅(Demo版 Karaoke Version)
The World Won't Be Destroyed (Demo Version Karaoke Version)
I've been away from home for a few years
失眠了幾天 想不起何時接受了這世界
I've been losing sleep for days, I can't remember when I accepted this world
學會了虛偽 淡定了誓言 練就一身攻略
I've learned to be fake, I've become calm in my vows, I've trained myself to be a master strategist
離開你幾天 卻像是幾年 時間怎麼會不夠回憶沈澱
I've been away from you for a few days, but it feels like years, how can time not be enough for memories to settle
溫暖的安慰 也無法讓心願實現 何必虧欠
Your warm comfort can't make my wishes come true, why should I be in debt
世界不會毀滅 請收回那珍貴的謊言
The world won't be destroyed, please take back that precious lie
人生短短幾年 請你慢慢的離開我視線
Life is short, please slowly leave my sight
你不值得流淚 故事少了錯的人其實不可憐
You're not worth the tears, the story is better without the wrong person, it's not pathetic
無所謂 受的傷不差這一回
It doesn't matter, the wounds I've suffered are no worse this time
愛得那麼浪費 讓人如此撒野
Love so wastefully, let people run wild
愛得那麼愚昧 謊言當作感覺
Love so foolishly, lies as feelings
愛得那麼卑微 誰為你掏心掏肺
Love so humbly, who cares for you with all their heart
別再痛得那麼可悲 從今不再相欠
Don't be so pathetic, from now on we owe nothing
別再說什麼後悔 我們都是聰明人 就不用那麼場面
Don't say anything about regret, we're both smart people, we don't have to be so superficial
世界不會毀滅 請收回那珍貴的謊言
The world won't be destroyed, please take back that precious lie
人生短短幾年 請你慢慢的離開我的視線
Life is short, please slowly leave my sight
你不值得流淚 故事少了錯的人其實不可憐
You're not worth the tears, the story is better without the wrong person, it's not pathetic
無所謂 受的傷不差這一回
It doesn't matter, the wounds I've suffered are no worse this time
無所謂 我的淚不差這一點 無所謂 錯的人不差你這位
It doesn't matter, my tears are no worse than this, it doesn't matter, the wrong person isn't as bad as you

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