強 - SUN&MOON feat ハイジ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 強 - SUN&MOON feat ハイジ

SUN&MOON feat ハイジ
SUN&MOON feat Heidi
(I've been waiting for you all this time on a lonely night
There's nothing scary anymore because you're here)
これをなんつーの?一言で言うと 言いにくいからメール送るよ
What do you call this? It's hard to say in a word so I'll send you an email
なぁ教えて愛と言うのは?? hey yo tell me do you know what?
Come on, tell me, what is love? hey yo tell me do you know what?
なんて俺から言うわけないやん 全てお見通しさお互いは
Of course I won't say it myself, we both know what it is
泣いた笑った怒ったなんか 見たし見せてきた長い間
We've cried, laughed, and gotten angry together for a long time
I don't need anything but you (if that's the case, shout out your love more)
大事な時は言うからちゃんと(それはnow. love you say one more.)
I'll tell you when it's important (that's now, love you say one more)
だから俺が月ならオマエが太陽 (ねぇハッキリ言って何が言いたいの?)
So if I'm the moon, you're the sun (hey, tell me clearly what you want to say?)
一人じゃ決して輝けないの おまえがいないと sun rise up
I can't shine alone, I need you, sun rise up
(I've been waiting for you all this time on a lonely night)
Just wait, I'll come and get you, so smile when that happens
(幸せになれるよ きっと巡り会えたのは目には見えない糸で)
(You can be happy, I'm sure we met because of an invisible thread)
初めっからそう 決まってたんかも?なぁ今思えばそうだろう?
Maybe it was decided from the beginning? Now that I think about it, it seems that way, doesn't it?
(Because we are connected even when we are apart)
たとえばもしも この星も明日終わってしまうとしよう
For example, if this star ends tomorrow
俺は言うよ その時も次生まれても必ずもう一度おまえと
I'll tell you, even then, even if I'm born again, I'll definitely be with you again
年老いて行くのはわかってる いつか来る別れの時だって
I know we'll get old, and there will come a time when we'll have to part
わかってる その時は黙ってそっと口づけを交わして
I know, and when that time comes, I'll kiss you silently
(じゃ それまでにもっといろんな景色を観ようね)
(So until then, let's see even more scenery)
あぁいつでも喜んで なら遠出して気が済むまで遊ぼうぜ
Oh, I'm always happy to do that, let's go on a trip and have fun until we're satisfied
(楽しそうね朝早く起きて) 忘れないようにカメラも持って
(That sounds fun, wake up early in the morning) Don't forget to bring your camera
OK またそして二人で迎えようね sun rise up
OK, let's welcome the sun rise up together again
(君をずっと待っていた 一人きりの夜も)
(I've been waiting for you all this time on a lonely night)
Just wait, I'll come and get you, so smile when that happens
(We can be happy together)
(How many more times can I say it in the limited time we have?)
何回もlove me それをevery timeなら少し照れくさいかも
Love me over and over, that's every time, maybe it's a little embarrassing
(This feeling)
(To be able to feel so strongly about someone)
俺だってそうおまえの事 この事を呼ぶんだろ愛だと
I'm sure you feel the same way about me, that's what you call love
(Because you taught me)
(I can overcome any high wall now)
そう 越えれるよきっとでもずっと道のりはこの先も長いだろう
Yes, I'm sure I can overcome it, but the road ahead will be long
(Let's keep going like this)
(I've been waiting for you all this time on a lonely night)
Just wait, I'll come and get you, so smile when that happens
(幸せになれるよ きっと巡り会えたのは目には見えない糸で)
(You can be happy, I'm sure we met because of an invisible thread)
初めっからそう 決まってたんかも?なぁ今思えばそうだろう?
Maybe it was decided from the beginning? Now that I think about it, it seems that way, doesn't it?
(Because we are connected even when we are apart)
I think life is beautiful 二人ではもう見慣れた月も
I think life is beautiful The moon, which we are both used to seeing, too
季節外れに歩いた海も 久々にみる都会の雪も
The sea we walked along out of season, the snow in the city we haven't seen for a long time
そして未だ見ぬ旅の続きを 寄り添って歩くゆっくりと
And the continuation of the journey we haven't seen yet, walking slowly together
広い世界のこの片隅を life is beautiful.
This corner of the vast world, life is beautiful.

Авторы: ハイジ, 強, dj arts a.k.a all back

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