強辯樂團 - 綜藝小弟小 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 強辯樂團 - 綜藝小弟小

Variety Show Little Brother
鬧鐘響 我就想賴床
The alarm clock rings and I just want to hit the snooze button
我臉上 還有一點妝
I still have some makeup on my face
出發去遙遠的地方 案發的現場
Heading out to a faraway place, the scene of the crime
做反應 表情要誇張
Reacting, my expressions have to be exaggerated
麥克風 握在我手上
The microphone is in my hand
偷偷看原來螢幕上 自己很兩光
I sneak a peek at the screen and see that I'm a bit of a mess
我不知道為什麼這樣 裝的很堅強
I don't know why I'm like this, pretending to be strong
鐵了心 拼了命 也要實現自己的夢想
Determined, I'll give it my all and make my dreams come true
我只想為你而唱 唱到你要喊投降
I just want to sing for you, sing until you surrender
用盡我所有的能量 管它天黑還天亮
Using all my energy, I don't care if it's day or night
現在我為你而唱 音符化成了太陽
Now I sing for you, the notes turning into the sun
照耀你美妙的臉龐 點亮我心中的光
Shining on your beautiful face, illuminating the light in my heart
You're here with me
沒收工 話不能帶髒
Can't swear when we're not done filming
吃便當 又會怕變胖
Worried about gaining weight when we eat box lunches
玩得玩 要玩就玩大 不玩就脫光
When we play, we go all out, or we strip down

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