Darling I work so hard all my life that I nearly bleed to death
I’m here eating noodles while you’re crying wolf
你ㄟ錢攏不夠用 每天都咧七逃
You are always penniless, running around like a headless chicken
You spend all your money on things, don’t you even think?
What are you talking my darling?
無錢吃飯 你左手拿一隻唉鳳
You have no money for food but carry an iPhone in your left hand
你美頌 你美頌 世界只有你甘苦
You praise yourself, you praise yourself, it’s only you who is suffering in this world
你 足痛苦 七辣每天在囉嗦
You are so miserable, nagging everyday
我美頌 我美頌 工作攏是哇咧做
I praise myself, I praise myself, I am the one doing all the work
三 小朋友 尚好是你一個人在爽
Three kids, and you are the only one enjoying yourself
有 七辣你攏無揪 有工作就拜託
Have fun so you don't bring the kids along, ask for help when it comes to work
I don’t get how you can get all the money that’s extra
頭 家面前一條籠 面後就軟ㄍㄡ ㄍㄡ
In front of the boss you’re strict, but behind his back you’re so soft and cuddly
Every day you need someone to take care of you
What do you propose we then do?
The only job you do everyday is playing video games
你美頌 你美頌 世界只有你甘苦
You praise yourself, you praise yourself, only you are suffering in this world
你足痛苦 七辣每天在囉嗦
You are so miserable, nagging every day
我美頌 我美頌 工作攏是哇咧做
I praise myself, I praise myself, I am the one doing all the work
三 小朋友 尚好是你一個人咧爽*2
Three kids, and you are the only one having fun*2
我美頌 我美頌 啦 足美頌 足美頌 啦 金美頌 金美頌 啦 你美頌 你美頌 有小你兜甲你爸踹共
I will praise myself, I will praise myself, yeah, so much so, very much, yeah, quite satisfactory, quite satisfactory, yeah, you praise yourself, you praise yourself, with that one, you ask for a beating from your dad
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