Vivian Hsu - Dream - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vivian Hsu - Dream

★暗夜裡的天空星星在天上發光 背負在這世界上無數人的願望
In the dark night sky, the stars shine brightly in the sky, carrying the wishes of countless people in this world.
對於面對未來充滿期待的我 是不是應該出去闖闖
For me, who is full of anticipation for the future, should I go out and make a name for myself?
卸下了身上所有最孩子氣的偽裝 剩下了一身赤裸裸的我單槍匹馬
Taking off all the childish pretense, leaving behind a naked me, fighting alone.
換上了魔女裝扮 坐上掃把去追遙遠的夢想
Put on a witch's costume, sit on a broomstick, and pursue distant dreams.
昨晚我做了個夢 (黑夜裡突然出現一道光照在她身上)
Last night I had a dream (Suddenly a light appeared in the dark night, shining on her).
只不過一分多鐘 (有個精靈說要給她三個任何的願望)
It was only a little over a minute long (A sprite said he would give her any three wishes).
盡情的天馬行空 (當她正要許下願望 莫名其妙的鬧鐘)
Imagination ran wild (When she was about to make a wish, the alarm clock suddenly rang).
At this moment, it suddenly rang.
在夢裡我追恐龍 (我學會魔女宅急便裡的英勇)
In my dream, I chased dinosaurs (I learned the bravery in Kiki's Delivery Service).
醒來後像毛毛蟲 (就算醒了 我會努力活在)
After waking up, it was like a caterpillar (Even if I'm awake, I will try my best to live in)
A magical world.
▲I will follow the dream with you
▲I will follow the dream with you
Always adjust your pace, hoping that I can have a perfect performance.
I will follow the dream with you
I will follow the dream with you
不管夢有多大 不怕危險困難 我揹上我的夢想 看準目標就出發
No matter how big the dream is, fearless of danger and difficulty, I carry my dream on my back, set my sights on the goal, and set off.
★暗夜裡的天空星星在天上發光 背負在這世界上無數人的願望
In the dark night sky, the stars shine brightly in the sky, carrying the wishes of countless people in this world.
對於面對未來充滿期待的我 是不是應該出去闖闖
For me, who is full of anticipation for the future, should I go out and make a name for myself?
卸下了身上所有最孩子氣的偽裝 剩下了一身赤裸裸的我單槍匹馬
Taking off all the childish pretense, leaving behind a naked me, fighting alone.
換上了魔女裝扮 坐上掃把去追遙遠的夢想
Put on a witch's costume, sit on a broomstick, and pursue distant dreams.
昨晚我做了個夢 (黑夜裡突然出現一道光照在她身上)
Last night I had a dream (Suddenly a light appeared in the dark night, shining on her).
只不過一分多鐘 (有個精靈說要給她三個任何的願望)
It was only a little over a minute long (A sprite said he would give her any three wishes).
盡情的天馬行空 (當她正要許下願望 莫名其妙的鬧鐘)
Imagination ran wild (When she was about to make a wish, the alarm clock suddenly rang).
At this moment, it suddenly rang.
在夢裡我追恐龍 (我學會魔女宅急便裡的英勇)
In my dream, I chased dinosaurs (I learned the bravery in Kiki's Delivery Service).
醒來後像毛毛蟲 (就算醒了 我會努力活在)
After waking up, it was like a caterpillar (Even if I'm awake, I will try my best to live in)
A magical world.
▲I will follow the dream with you
▲I will follow the dream with you
Always adjust your pace, hoping that I can have a perfect performance.
I will follow the dream with you
I will follow the dream with you
不管夢有多大 不怕危險困難 我揹上我的夢想 看準目標就出發
No matter how big the dream is, fearless of danger and difficulty, I carry my dream on my back, set my sights on the goal, and set off.
▲I will follow the dream with you
▲I will follow the dream with you
Always adjust your pace, hoping that I can have a perfect performance.
I will follow the dream with you
I will follow the dream with you
不管夢有多大 不怕危險困難 我揹上我的夢想 看準目標就出發
No matter how big the dream is, fearless of danger and difficulty, I carry my dream on my back, set my sights on the goal, and set off.
▲I will follow the dream with you
▲I will follow the dream with you
Always adjust your pace, hoping that I can have a perfect performance.
I will follow the dream with you
I will follow the dream with you
不管夢有多大 不怕危險困難 我揹上我的夢想 看準目標就出發
No matter how big the dream is, fearless of danger and difficulty, I carry my dream on my back, set my sights on the goal, and set off.
▲I will follow the dream with you
▲I will follow the dream with you
Always adjust your pace, hoping that I can have a perfect performance.
I will follow the dream with you
I will follow the dream with you
不管夢有多大 不怕危險困難 我揹上我的夢想 看準目標就出發
No matter how big the dream is, fearless of danger and difficulty, I carry my dream on my back, set my sights on the goal, and set off.
▲I will follow the dream with you
▲I will follow the dream with you
Always adjust your pace, hoping that I can have a perfect performance.
I will follow the dream with you
I will follow the dream with you
不管夢有多大 不怕危險困難 我揹上我的夢想 看準目標就出發
No matter how big the dream is, fearless of danger and difficulty, I carry my dream on my back, set my sights on the goal, and set off.

Авторы: Ruo Xuan Vivian Xu, Peng Li Jia

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