新城P feat. KAITO - Jewel - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 新城P feat. KAITO - Jewel

心の中にある部屋は 白く何も無く
The room in my heart is white and empty
歩き見渡してみる 広い部屋を
I walk around, looking around this wide room
宝石を散りばめる 無色透明な色
Scattered with jewels, a colorless transparent color
透き通る光 反射して広がって
The translucent light reflects and spreads
存於心中的房間 蒼白而不存一物
The room in my heart is white and empty
試著走遍每個角落 在寬廣的房內
I try to walk around every corner in this wide room
鑲嵌上寶石 無色透明的顯色
Inlaid with jewels, a colorless transparent color
通透的光芒 反射擴散
The translucent light reflects and spreads
光るJewel プリズムに乗って流れ彩られていく
The Jewel shines, riding the prism, flowing and being colored
目に映る彩を 全て集めていく
I collect all the colors that appear in my eyes
發光的Jewel 乘著流線流去而被染色
The shining Jewel, riding the prism, flows and is colored
將映在眼中的色彩 全部收集起
I collect all the colors that appear in my eyes
光にあててみて覗く とても素敵な部屋
I shine a light on it and look inside, it's such a beautiful room
今ここにいる部屋と 違う世界
This room is different from the world I'm in now
羨ましいと思う 奪いたいと思う
I think it's envious, I want to steal it
壊してしまえと 何度考えたのか
How many times have I thought to destroy it?
用光照射偷偷看著 如此美好的房間
I shine a light on it and look inside, it's such a beautiful room
和現在有的房間 是不同的世界
This room is different from the world I'm in now
想著好羨慕 想著好想搶走
I think it's envious, I want to steal it
已經思考了多少次 要將它破壞掉呢
How many times have I thought to destroy it?
君のJewel 「よこしてくれ」とダイヤの刃を握り
Your Jewel, "Give it to me," I grasp the diamond blade
I hurt and broke your room
對妳的Jewel 說著「交給我吧」握著鑽石的刀刃
Your Jewel, "Give it to me," I grasp the diamond blade
And I hurt and destroyed your room
No more...!
No more...!
「これでいいんだ」と言い聞かせ 僕の部屋は飾られてく 鮮やかに
I tell myself, "This is good enough," My room is decorated, vividly
對自己說著「這樣就可以了」 能夠去裝點我的房間了 鮮豔地
I tell myself, "This is good enough," I can decorate my room, vividly
赤い色に染まった 居心地がとてもいい
It's stained red, it feels very comfortable
ほしかった輝き これだったのだろうか
Was this the glow I wanted?
染上了赤紅之色 感覺非常的好
It's stained red, it feels very comfortable
曾渴望的光輝 就是這個嗎
Was this the glow I wanted?
僕のJewel 透き通ることはない 君のようになりたかった
My Jewel, it's not transparent, I wanted to be like you
全てほしい 割れ物でもいい
I want it all, even if it's broken
我的Jewel 一點都不透明 卻想變得和妳一樣
My Jewel, it's not transparent, I wanted to be like you
好想要妳的全部 就算是破碎了的也好
I want it all, even if it's broken

新城P feat. KAITO - The First Unison
The First Unison
дата релиза

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