方力申 - 你記得嗎? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 方力申 - 你記得嗎?

Remember Me?
Remember Me?
~~~ ~~~
~~~ Prelude ~~~
渡過一些記念節日 讀過一些溫馨短訊
We've been through some special holidays, read some heartwarming messages
你記得嗎 纏綿日子即使告終
Do you remember, our passionate days, even though they've ended
下次煙花製造燦爛 下個多麼歡欣聖誕
The next fireworks will be magnificent, the next Christmas will be so merry
偶爾想我 無聊日子不怕孤單
Think of me sometime, don't be afraid of being lonely in your boring days
明日還會路過 上次相約咖啡座
Tomorrow I'll pass by the café where we first met
就坐在大門紀念我 愉快的說笑像最初
I'll sit down at the front door and remember, talking and laughing like before
如不可相愛 記住已足夠
If we can't be lovers, it's enough to remember
從不必追究 有沒有以後
We don't need to wonder about the future
不再一對 為何需要理由
We're not a couple anymore, why do we need a reason
Don't try to numb the pain by holding on
談一生戀愛 世上太罕有
Lifetime romances are rare in this world
能抽空想我 那就當是我生命大成就
If you can spare a thought for me, it's enough for me
當初所有 未可擁有
All the things we couldn't have at the beginning
But it's enough that you remember me
~~~ ~~~
~~~ Interlude ~~~
渡過幾多四月四號 遇見幾多推銷廣告
We've been through so many April 4ths, seen so many sales advertisements
你記得嗎 無聊日子都可細數
Do you remember, even the boring days can be cherished
若你開心我就快樂 就算分開天不會暗
If you're happy, I'm happy, even if we're apart, the sky won't fall
你記得我 還憑甚麼心有不甘
Why should I be resentful if you remember me
留下和我合照 在眼中間歇閃爍
Leave a photo of us together, let it flicker in my eyes
為舊事動搖喊或笑 就算一兩秒未算少
Be moved by the past, cry or laugh, even for a few seconds
如不可相愛 記住已足夠
If we can't be lovers, it's enough to remember
從不必追究 有沒有以後
We don't need to wonder about the future
不再一對 為何需要理由
We're not a couple anymore, why do we need a reason
Don't try to numb the pain by holding on
談一生戀愛 世上太罕有
Lifetime romances are rare in this world
能抽空想我 那就當是我生命大成就
If you can spare a thought for me, it's enough for me
當初所有 未可擁有
All the things we couldn't have at the beginning
But it's enough that you remember me
如不可相愛 記住已足夠
If we can't be lovers, it's enough to remember
從不必追究 有沒有以後
We don't need to wonder about the future
不再一對 為何需要理由
We're not a couple anymore, why do we need a reason
Don't try to numb the pain by holding on
談一生戀愛 世上太罕有
Lifetime romances are rare in this world
能抽空想我 那就當是我生命大成就
If you can spare a thought for me, it's enough for me
當初所有 未可擁有
All the things we couldn't have at the beginning
But it's enough that you remember me

Авторы: Ruo Ning Lin, Run Ming Lin

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