方力申 - 我們不是朋友 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 方力申 - 我們不是朋友

We Are No Longer Friends
請不要再叫我 當對我好
Please don't ask me to be nice to you anymore
不需要再見我 對你也好
I don't need to see you anymore, and I'll be kind to you too
即使需要遇到 不等於要望到
Even if I need to meet, it doesn't mean I have to look at you
對你 對我 都好
It's good for you and me
還情願 令腳步 右轉十五度
I'd rather turn my steps fifteen degrees to the right
鞋帶裝作未結好 不必裝作有量度
Pretend my shoelace is untied, I don't have to pretend to be measured
招呼打了也徒勞 讓我成為孤島
It's in vain even if I say hello, let me be an isolated island
要是碰到 惹人煩燥
If I come across you, I'll be annoying
太樂意 往事重提 沒態度
I'm too willing to bring up the past, I have no attitude
我只希望變陌路 遇見時 不必禮貌到
I just hope to become a stranger, when we meet, we don't have to be polite
扮問候對方 還自覺清高
Pretend to greet each other and still feel superior
從前誰和我說 天老 情未老
Who told me before that love will never grow old
原來從來當我 只不過 是你的浮泡
It turns out that I've always been just a bubble to you
其實再遇見 我也沒仇報
Actually, I have no grudge against you when we meet again
長情實在美麗 但我沒造詣
True love is really beautiful, but I'm not good at it
能攻心計扮到底 假使小器更受惠
I can play tricks and pretend to the end, but I'm more popular if I'm mean
假裝灑脫太難為 問我如何得體
It's too hard to pretend to be洒脱, ask me how to be decent
要是碰到 惹人煩燥
If I come across you, I'll be annoying
太樂意 往事重提 沒態度
I'm too willing to bring up the past, I have no attitude
我只希望變陌路 遇見時 不必禮貌到
I just hope to become a stranger, when we meet, we don't have to be polite
扮問候對方 還自覺清高
Pretend to greet each other and still feel superior
從前誰和我說 天老 情未老
Who told me before that love will never grow old
原來從來當我 只不過 是你的浮泡
It turns out that I've always been just a bubble to you
其實再遇見 我也沒仇報
Actually, I have no grudge against you when we meet again
聽說過你 過得比我好
I heard that you are living better than me
現在就在面前 親身看到
Now it's in front of me, I see it myself
如果可以避免 情願不講你好
If I can avoid it, I'd rather not say you're good
Why make you proud
再待你好 也無回報
No matter how good I am to you, there will be no return
要是說 變做仇人 是退步
If you say that becoming an enemy is a step backwards
也不希望繼續做 做友人
I don't want to continue being friends either
彷彿偉大到 受害後 我都懷念你的好
As if it's so great that even after being hurt, I still miss your goodness
從前誰和我說 天老 情未老
Who told me before that love will never grow old
為何回頭怨我 都不配 做你的浮泡
Why do you blame me when you turn around and say that I don't deserve to be your bubble
其實你負我 你卻像原告
Actually, you wronged me, but you seem to be the plaintiff
請不要再叫我 當對我好
Please don't ask me to be nice to you anymore
不需要再見我 對你也好
I don't need to see you anymore, and I'll be kind to you too
真的想鍛鍊到 不必因你暴躁
I really want to train myself not to be irritable because of you
但是 晚節不保
But my integrity is not guaranteed

Авторы: Wong Wy Man, Hoi Man Tse

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