方力申 - 捨.得 - 無煙大家庭主題曲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 方力申 - 捨.得 - 無煙大家庭主題曲

捨.得 - 無煙大家庭主題曲
Let It Go - Smoke-Free Family Theme Song
你似我的最壞習慣 慣到再不正視腐爛
You're like my worst habit, I'm used to it and don't see the decay anymore.
日日如是 原諒我沒張開眼
I forgive you day after day because I'm blind.
每到我的軟弱時間 也要你倚靠共患難
Every time I'm weak, I need you to lean on and share my troubles.
不忍放手 還是借藉口疏懶
I can't let go, or I'll just make excuses and be lazy.
相處漸平淡 當初的驚嘆 被冷水衝淡
Our time together has gotten stale, the initial excitement has been washed away with cold water.
We've磨合ed so much that we've become indifferent to each other.
感覺越平淡 想拖多一晚 便錯多一晚
The more indifferent we become, the more I want to delay the inevitable, but that only makes it worse.
期限已到 我怎好意思死撐
The time has come, I can't keep pretending.
為何信會有生機 為何要白費心機
Why do I believe there's still hope? Why do I waste my energy?
曾同享甘苦一雙 只怕沒法齊眉
We shared so many bittersweet moments, but I'm afraid we can't share a lifetime.
你當天散出的氣味 有一天我終不記起
The scent you wore that day, one day I'll finally forget.
我要撲得熄你 才不致氣絕至死
I have to put you out, or I'll suffocate to death.
曾迷信會有生機 才傻到白費心機
I used to believe we had a chance, I was foolish to waste my energy.
世界這麼美 哪可以難為你
The world is so beautiful, why should I make things difficult for you?
四周總有當天氣味 腦海總有當天氣味
The scent of that day is always around me, the memory of that day is always in my mind.
遺忘前塵印記 不必說戒掉你
I'm letting go of our history, I don't have to say I'm quitting you.
I'm just letting you go.
怕再次適應或期盼 要勉強擁抱怨局限
I'm afraid of adapting or expecting again, I'll be forced to endure complaints and limitations.
寂寞無害 誰又會樂於窺探
Loneliness is harmless, who would want to watch me?
對過去不太願忘記 對變化總有份避忌
I don't want to forget the past too much, I'm always afraid of change.
開不了口 還是怕被迫處理
I can't bring myself to say it, I'm afraid of being forced to deal with it.
相處漸平淡 當初的驚嘆 被冷水衝淡
Our time together has gotten stale, the initial excitement has been washed away with cold water.
We've磨合ed so much that we've become indifferent to each other.
感覺越平淡 想拖多一晚 便錯多一晚
The more indifferent we become, the more I want to delay the inevitable, but that only makes it worse.
期限已到 我怎好意思死撐
The time has come, I can't keep pretending.
為何信會有生機 為何要白費心機
Why do I believe there's still hope? Why do I waste my energy?
曾同享甘苦一雙 只怕沒法齊眉
We shared so many bittersweet moments, but I'm afraid we can't share a lifetime.
你當天散出的氣味 有一天我終不記起
The scent you wore that day, one day I'll finally forget.
我要撲得熄你 才不致氣絕至死
I have to put you out, or I'll suffocate to death.
曾迷信會有生機 才傻到白費心機
I used to believe we had a chance, I was foolish to waste my energy.
世界這麼美 哪可以難為你
The world is so beautiful, why should I make things difficult for you?
四周總有當天氣味 腦海總有當天氣味
The scent of that day is always around me, the memory of that day is always in my mind.
遺忘前塵印記 捨得去放下你
I'm letting go of our history, I'm willing to let you go.
手不可不放 沒法再次退避
I have to let go, I can't retreat any further.
原地踏步到這地步 像身陷戰地
Staying in the same place has brought me to this point, it's like being in a war zone.
我這傷勢 也多得了你
I've been hurt by you too.
停留於此 怎可以後也呼吸新鮮一口氣
Staying here, how can I ever breathe fresh air again?
為何信會有生機 為何要白費心機
Why do I believe there's still hope? Why do I waste my energy?
浮沉間幾經風霜 只怕沒變傳奇
We've weathered many storms, but I'm afraid we'll never be legends.
你當天散出的氣味 有一天我終不記起
The scent you wore that day, one day I'll finally forget.
縱要各走千里 才不致悔恨至死
Even if we have to go our separate ways, at least I won't regret it.
曾迷信會有生機 才傻到白費心機
I used to believe we had a chance, I was foolish to waste my energy.
世界這麼美 哪可以難為你
The world is so beautiful, why should I make things difficult for you?
四周總有當天氣味 腦海總有當天氣味
The scent of that day is always around me, the memory of that day is always in my mind.
無緣成為最愛 捨得去放下你
We were never meant to be, I'm willing to let you go.
經過陣痛後 學會了捨棄 長路裡尋訪驚喜
After the pain, I've learned to let go, and I'll find the unexpected on the road ahead.

Авторы: Song De Lei, Jie Fang

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