曹格 - 超級4th場之24Hr不打烊情歌 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 曹格 - 超級4th場之24Hr不打烊情歌

Super 4th Stage 24Hr Unstoppable Love Song
空虛並非是詞彙 能夠形容的魔鬼
Emptiness is not a word, a devil that can be described.
它支配著行為 能擺脫寂寞我什麼都肯給 就像個傀儡
It controls behavior, I'm willing to give anything to get rid of loneliness, just like a puppet.
我可以無所謂 寂寞卻一直掉眼淚
I can be indifferent, but loneliness keeps shedding tears.
人類除了擅長頹廢 做什麼都不對 Oh ... I'm not okay
Humans are good at being decadent, but nothing is right, Oh... I'm not okay.
我不信命 我信愛情是沒有理由
I don't believe in fate, I believe love is without reason.
悲歡的注定 在我的掌紋中你在那裡
The joy and sorrow destined in my palm lines, where are you?
如此的清晰 沒有輸贏 你是我的命
So clear, no win or lose, you are my destiny.
我不信命 我信命中你給的每個 考驗和奇蹟
I don't believe in fate, I believe in the tests and miracles you give in fate.
在我的掌紋中安身立命 是否願意
Settle in my palm lines, are you willing?
張開手 你回應
Open your hands, you respond.
愛夜晚咬耳朵的幸福纏綿 想當一個你家的supermarket 二十四小時都歡迎光臨
The happiness of whispering love at night, I want to be a supermarket in your home, welcome 24 hours a day.
幽默風趣無限量供應 任勞任怨都是特價品
Unlimited supply of humor and fun, hard work and dedication are all promotional items.
想當你一個人的supermarket 你擔心的人都不準靠近
I want to be your only supermarket, no one you care about is allowed to come near.
幸福快樂買一再送一 預定真愛保護無限期
Buy one get one free for happiness, unlimited protection for true love.
我內心的那個小孩 會快快成長讓你放心地依賴
The child in my heart will grow up quickly and let you rely on me with confidence.
很帥 很天才 給你美好的未來
Very handsome, very talented, giving you a beautiful future.
借你一輩子 借你我剩下的日子
Borrow me your life, borrow the rest of my days.
答應過你的那些事 讓我去證實 對天使發誓
The things I promised you, let me prove it, and swear to the angels.
借我一輩子 借我你所有的日子 寫下兩個人的故事
Borrow me your life, borrow all your days, and write the story of two people.
我們都曾經在愛裏迷失方向 以為獨自生活就不會受傷不受傷 nononono
We've both lost our way in love, thinking that living alone wouldn't hurt us, no, no, no, no.
我曾經把你錯過 我不要把你錯過 我認定你一定會是我 最美的結果
I missed you once, I don't want to miss you, I believe you will be my most beautiful result.
有你在身邊愛我一點 是你讓我的生命越來越甜
Your love for me is a little more, it makes my life sweeter and sweeter.
世界不停在變 會愛你多一點 希望你能夠看見 童話中幸福的樂園
The world keeps changing, I will love you a little more, I hope you can see the happy paradise in the fairy tale.
有你在身邊愛我一點 是你讓我的生命越來越甜
Your love for me is a little more, it makes my life sweeter and sweeter.
世界不停在變 會愛你多一點 希望你能夠看見 童話中幸福的樂園
The world keeps changing, I will love you a little more, I hope you can see the happy paradise in the fairy tale.

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