朴葵姫(パク・キュヒ) - アメリアの遺言~13のカタロニア民謡より - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 朴葵姫(パク・キュヒ) - アメリアの遺言~13のカタロニア民謡より

Amelia's Last Will~13 Catalan Folk Songs
Amelia está enferma,
Amelia is sick,
La hija del buen rey.
The daughter of the good king.
Condes la van a ver.
Earls go to see her.
Condes y gente noble.
Earls and noble people.
Ay, que el corazón se me marchita
Oh, my heart is withering
Como un ramillete de claveles.
Like a bouquet of carnations.
Amelia has fallen ill
The daughter of the great king
Earls and nobles have come to visit her
How my heart has withered
Like this bouquet of carnations
Hija, hija mía,
Daughter, my daughter,
¿De qué mal os quejáis?
What ails you?
El mal que yo tengo, madre,
The ailment I have, mother,
Bien que lo sabéis.
You know it well.
娘よ 私の娘よ
My daughter, my daughter,
What is the cause of your illness?
病の原因は お母様
The cause of my illness, my lady,
You know it well.
Ay, que el corazón se me marchita
Oh, my heart is withering
Como un ramillete de claveles.
Like a bouquet of carnations.
How my heart has withered
Like this bouquet of carnations
Hija, hija mía,
Daughter, my daughter,
De eso os confesaréis.
Confess it to me.
Cuando hayáis confesado,
When you have confessed,
El testamento haréis.
You will make your will.
娘よ 私の娘よ
My daughter, my daughter,
Tell me the truth
So that your will can be made
Ay, que el corazón se me marchita
Oh, my heart is withering
Como un ramillete de claveles.
Like a bouquet of carnations.
How my heart has withered
Like this bouquet of carnations
Un castillo dejo a los pobres
I leave a castle to the poor
Para que recen a Dios.
So that they may pray to God.
Cuatro a mi hermano Carlos.
Four to my brother Carlos.
Dos a la Madre de Dios.
Two to the Mother of God.
In the castle I have made the poor pray to God
4回 兄弟カルロスに
Four times to my brother Carlos
2回 聖母マリアに
Twice to the Holy Mother of God
Ay, que el corazón se me marchita
Oh, my heart is withering
Como un ramillete de claveles.
Like a bouquet of carnations.
How my heart has withered
Like this bouquet of carnations
Y a vos, madre mía,
And to you, my mother,
Os dejo a mi marido
I leave my husband
Para que lo tengáis en vuestra alcoba
So that you may have him in your alcove
Como ya hace mucho tiempo que hacéis.
As you have done for so long.
お母様 私は夫を残して逝きます
My mother, I leave you my husband
As you have done in your bed for so long
Ay, que el corazón se me marchita
Oh, my heart is withering
Como un ramillete de claveles.
Like a bouquet of carnations.
How my heart has withered
Like this bouquet of carnations

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