李克勤 feat. AGA - 戀愛為何物 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 李克勤 feat. AGA - 戀愛為何物

What Is Love
煙圈滿房間 迫一對囚犯
A smoky room forces two prisoners
偷偷的慨嘆 盲點很顯眼
To secretly sigh, the blind spot is obvious
任美麗遞減 醜態在彌漫
As beauty diminishes, ugliness lingers
偏偏合照 證實那段歡樂時間
But photos prove the happy times
虧空了情感 傷感當遺產
Emotions are empty, sadness is the legacy
初初的寄盼 大風吹即散
Initial hopes are scattered by the wind
伴侶像壞蛋 擁抱後各自逃難
Partners like bad guys, embracing and then fleeing
Finally realizing the absurdity of great vows
戀愛為何物 原來是很漂亮詐騙
Love, what is it, is originally a beautiful fraud
男孩子總當每個少女容易騙 消費愛情當消遣
Boys always think every girl is easy to deceive, treating love as entertainment
如何膚淺 閃婚後舊有任性就會定性是謠言
How superficial, after a flash marriage, the old waywardness will settle down, it's a lie
戀愛為何物 原來是很幼稚計算
Love, what is it, is originally a childish calculation
求平安恐怕半數女性難避免 抵押愛情買保險
Seeking peace, I'm afraid half of the women can't avoid it, mortgaging love to buy insurance
如何保險 保不住外向伴侶別要自怨自憐 節哀順變
How safe, but can't keep the outgoing partner, don't feel sorry for yourself, accept it and move on
捐出你良心 跟所愛無關
Donate your conscience, it has nothing to do with love
只得到霎眼 幸福的展覽
Only get a glimpse of a happy exhibition
害怕寂寞感 找對象有備無患
Fear of loneliness, finding a partner is better than nothing
Abusing trust to cope with the longest night
戀愛為何物 原來是很漂亮詐騙
Love, what is it, is originally a beautiful fraud
男孩子總當每個少女容易騙 消費愛情當消遣
Boys always think every girl is easy to deceive, treating love as entertainment
如何膚淺 閃婚後舊有任性就會定性是謠言
How superficial, after a flash marriage, the old waywardness will settle down, it's a lie
戀愛為何物 原來是很幼稚計算
Love, what is it, is originally a childish calculation
求平安恐怕半數女性難避免 抵押愛情買保險
Seeking peace, I'm afraid half of the women can't avoid it, mortgaging love to buy insurance
如何保險 保得住外向伴侶日見夜見便洩露了你缺點
How safe, you can't keep your outgoing partner, seeing him day and night will reveal your flaws
I thought you and
I thought you and
I will always be together
I will always be together
When you say youre in love with me
When you say youre in love with me
What is love...
Love, what is it
The rumor is that you will devote yourself to it forever
Looking back, I remember blushing on the first date
Only seeing the advantages of love
And being shy
Perhaps it took you ten years to see through this illusion
And to repay the debt
大合照 坦率的兩人仍然傻笑
In the group photo, the two of us were still smiling foolishly

Авторы: Aga

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