李克勤 & 阿蘭 - 最完美的分手 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 李克勤 & 阿蘭 - 最完美的分手

The Most Perfect Breakup
Together: Maybe we should go back to being friends
合: 退回到對彼此最初的要求
Together: Go back to the initial requirements for each other
合: 都還算成熟
Together: We’re both mature enough
合: 多少都應該有所保留
Together: We should both have some reservations
克勤: 別像誰
Li Keqin: Don't be like someone
阿蘭: 爭個 (爭個)
Alan: Arguing (Arguing)
合: 喋喋不休
Together: Talking endlessly
克勤: 只是會遺憾 相愛有時候
Li Keqin: It’s just that I’ll regret it, loving sometimes
合: 兩個好人面對面也沈默
Together: Two good people facing each other, but still silent
克勤: 我不問
Li Keqin: I don't ask
阿蘭: 你不說
Alan: You don’t say
克勤: 倒不如
Li Keqin: It’s better to
合: 分頭做做夢
Together: Dream separately
阿蘭: 多年後誰委屈了誰在將就
Alan: Years later, who wronged who and who is compromising
克勤: 都沒有什麽難以啟齒的擔憂
Li Keqin: There’s no concern that's hard to speak of
克勤: 說曾經多溫暖
Li Keqin: Talking about how warm it was before
阿蘭: 講後來淚會流
Alan: Mentioning it later, tears will flow
克勤: 可能才瞭解
Li Keqin: Maybe we’ll only understand
合: 沒有過不去的關口
Together: There’s no hurdle we can’t overcome
阿蘭: 承認是現在的我不算溫柔
Alan: I admit that I’m not gentle now
克勤: 承認我對你的愛已不足夠
Li Keqin: I admit that my love for you is not enough
阿蘭: 就讓我的懦弱 (我的懦弱)
Alan: Just let my weakness (my weakness)
阿蘭: 體諒我的荒謬
Alan: Understand my absurdity
克勤: 你請別再難受 (別再難受)
Li Keqin: Please don't feel sad (Don't feel sad anymore)
合: 也許
Together: Maybe
合: 也許直到我們做回朋友
Together: Maybe until we go back to being friends
合: 才看清彼此當時的要求
Together: We'll see clearly each other's requirements back then
克勤: 只不過
Li Keqin: It's just
阿蘭: 很難說
Alan: It's hard to say
克勤: 怎麽做
Li Keqin: How to do it
合: 才能不寂寞
Together: To avoid loneliness
阿蘭: 多年後誰委屈了誰在將就
Alan: Years later, who wronged who and who is compromising
克勤: 都沒有什麽難以啟齒的擔憂
Li Keqin: There’s no concern that's hard to speak of
克勤: 說曾經多溫暖
Li Keqin: Talking about how warm it was before
阿蘭: 講後來淚會流
Alan: Mentioning it later, tears will flow
克勤: 可能才瞭解
Li Keqin: Maybe we’ll only understand
合: 沒有過不去的關口
Together: There’s no hurdle we can’t overcome
阿蘭: 承認是現在的我不算溫柔
Alan: I admit that I’m not gentle now
克勤: 承認我對你的愛已不足夠
Li Keqin: I admit that my love for you is not enough
阿蘭: 就讓我的懦弱 (我的懦弱)
Alan: Just let my weakness (my weakness)
阿蘭: 體諒我的荒謬
Alan: Understand my absurdity
克勤: 你請別再難受 (別再難受)
Li Keqin: Please don't feel sad (Don't feel sad anymore)
克勤: 當我們說完最禮貌的問候
Li Keqin: When we say the most polite greetings
Alan: It's also the most perfect breakup
克勤: 以後會更勇敢
Li Keqin: In the future, I will be more brave
合: 或者有了傷口
Together: Or with wounds
合: 可能才相信平淡的路比較好走
Together: Maybe we’ll only believe that the simple road is easier to walk
合: 可惜現在我真的不算溫柔
Together: But I'm really not gentle now
克勤: 可我對你的愛
Li Keqin: But my love for you
合: 已不足夠
Together: Is not enough
合: 在祝福了之後
Together: After the blessings
合: 轉過身的最後
Together: In the end, when turning around
合: 就不必非要看誰比誰眼淚先流
Together: We don't have to see who sheds tears first
克勤: 你一定會幸福
Li Keqin: You will definitely be happy
阿蘭: 我全部都接受
Alan: I accept everything
合: 別無所求
Together: Asking for nothing else

李克勤 & 阿蘭 - 最完美的分手
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