李艺彤 - 人間規則 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

人間規則 (Live) - 李艺彤перевод на английский

人間規則 (Live)
Human Rules (Live)
我被告知要诚实 可是当我说出真相
I was told to be honest, but when I told the truth,
I was suddenly ostracized by everyone.
我被告知那规则 必须遵守绝对不能打破
I was told that the rules must be obeyed and never broken,
Yet those who break them get more.
费尽心机去争夺为 一个虚拟的宝座
I strive so hard to compete for a virtual throne,
So naive, yet I'm called too calculating.
预设程序太单薄 敌不过人心的难测
Preset programs are too thin, no match for the unpredictability of the human heart,
And they certainly won't confuse black and white.
能不能给我画一点眼线 来掩饰锋利的光泽
Can you draw some eyeliner for me, to hide the sharp gleam?
能不能给我抹一点口红 去模糊清楚的轮廓
Can you put on some lipstick for me, to blur the clear outline?
能不能教我心照不宣的 规则下隐藏的规则
Can you teach me the unspoken rules, the ones hidden beneath the surface?
再快的运算 也算不出那无数模棱两可
Even the fastest calculations can't figure out the countless ambiguities.
The color after the rain is a specific shade,
Hesitation is the enjoyment of speculation.
咖啡明明苦涩 却有千万种风格
Coffee is bitter, yet it has thousands of flavors,
Revealing the true nature of humanity in its aftertaste.
能不能让我看一篇小说 去形容彩虹的颜色
Can you let me read a novel to describe the colors of the rainbow?
能不能为我画一个明天 去感受未知的忐忑
Can you paint a tomorrow for me, to feel the unknown trepidation?
能不能对我说一句许愿 不知道多远的永远
Can you tell me a wish, an eternity I don't know how far away?
不需要计算 我开始喜欢做人这份柔软
No need for calculations, I'm starting to like this softness of being human.
能不能让我看一篇小说 去形容彩虹的颜色
Can you let me read a novel to describe the colors of the rainbow?
能不能为我画一个明天 去感受未知的忐忑
Can you paint a tomorrow for me, to feel the unknown trepidation?
能不能对我说一句许愿 管什么永远有多远
Can you tell me a wish, no matter how far away forever is?
不需要计算 我已经获得做个人的资格
No need for calculations, I've already earned the qualification to be a person.

Авторы: Shima, 甘世佳

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