杏里 - 遠い夏のイマージュ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 杏里 - 遠い夏のイマージュ

Image of a Distant Summer
夕焼けの七里ヶ浜 潮騒を聴いてた
Listening to the murmur of the waves at Shichirigahama at sunset
横顔が語っている あなたの気持ちを探して
Your gaze tells a story, my darling, you need not hide
ねぇあの頃 何に怒ってたの?
Tell me, at that time, what had you so upset?
Growing more and more frustrated by the future you could not see
Tシャツの肩を抱いた 好きだと告げるかわりに
I placed my arm gently upon your T-shirt's shoulder, instead of a heartfelt plea
泣きそうな顔のふたりは 遠い日のイマージュ
Two tear-streaked faces, becoming a distant memory
さよならも言わないまま あなたは町を出た
You left town without even a goodbye
この海も変わったのよ 砂浜が狭くなってる
And this sea has changed, the sandy shore has grown smaller
ねぇ今頃 何を目指してるの?
Tell me, where do your dreams take you now?
I have discovered that it is passion to never give up
ときどきは思いだして 今でも友達だから
Every now and then, my memory drifts back to you, for in my heart, we are still friends
この場所で会える気がする 遠い日のイマージュ
I feel as if I will meet you here again, a memory of a long-gone summer
Where are you gazing at the horizon now?
May you always live in your truth, even when the path ahead is less than clear
過ぎ去った夢は優しい 遠い日のイマージュ
Our shared dreams of old, now just a distant and tender memory

Авторы: Anri, 吉元 由美, 吉元 由美, anri

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