杜恩加 feat. 孫顥瑋 & 劉晏伶 - 紙飛機 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 杜恩加 feat. 孫顥瑋 & 劉晏伶 - 紙飛機

Paper Airplane
沙灘上 天晴朗 和你乘風破浪 編織夢的網
On the beach, the weather is clear, and you and I ride the wind and waves, weaving a web of dreams.
教室裡 課桌椅 手中緊握的筆 友情的試題
In the classroom, at our desks, our pens gripped tightly in our hands, the test of friendship.
球場邊 聽寒喧 揮汗如雨的昨天 還依然懷念
On the sidelines of the field, listening to the chatter, the sweat of yesterday still brings a yearning.
十年後 仍閃爍 當時膠囊寄託 熟悉的輪廓
Ten years later, they still shimmer, the words of the message written long ago, the familiar silhouette.
紙飛機穿越 拭去我的淚 一天又一天 填滿我心扉
A paper airplane flies through, wiping away my tears, one day after another, filling my heart.
傾訴了多少光年 和多少歲月 無止無盡隨時間蔓延
How many light-years and how many years has this song told, endless and spreading through time.
紙飛機穿越 穿越了傷悲 彼此的思念 寫成了詩篇
A paper airplane flies through, flying through the sadness, our thoughts for each other written into a poem.
視線模糊中清晰 回蕩從前的眷戀 多些摺痕再勇敢去飛
My vision blurs into clarity, echoing the longing of the past, with a few more folds, I dare to fly again.
你的我的夢想在前方 左手右手緊握不能放 只要努力勇敢 就會有希望
Our dreams, your and mine, lie ahead, our left and right hands clasped tightly, unable to let go. As long as we strive bravely, there will be hope.
你的我的青春在飛揚 今天明天繼續向前航 只要努力勇敢 處處有光亮
Your and my youth soar, today and tomorrow we continue to journey forward. As long as we strive bravely, there will be light everywhere.
那些歡笑曾經 是因為彼此相知相惜
That laughter was because we knew and cherished each other.
鳳凰花飄落水面成漣漪 這畫面將長存在腦海裡
Phoenix flowers float on the water, creating ripples, this scene will forever be etched in my mind.
紙飛機穿越 拭去我的淚 一天又一天 填滿我心扉
A paper airplane flies through, wiping away my tears, one day after another, filling my heart.
傾訴了多少光年 和多少歲月 無止無盡隨時間蔓延
How many light-years and how many years has this song told, endless and spreading through time.
紙飛機穿越 穿越了傷悲 彼此的思念 寫成了詩篇
A paper airplane flies through, flying through the sadness, our thoughts for each other written into a poem.
視線模糊中清晰 回蕩從前的眷戀 多些摺痕再勇敢去飛
My vision blurs into clarity, echoing the longing of the past, with a few more folds, I dare to fly again.
現在就將轉過身飛翔 譜出我們前程美麗樂章
Now I will turn around and fly, composing the beautiful music of our future together.
紙飛機穿越 拭去我的淚 一天又一天 填滿我心扉
A paper airplane flies through, wiping away my tears, one day after another, filling my heart.
傾訴了多少光年 和多少歲月 無止無盡隨時間蔓延
How many light-years and how many years has this song told, endless and spreading through time.
紙飛機穿越 穿越了傷悲 彼此的思念 寫成了詩篇
A paper airplane flies through, flying through the sadness, our thoughts for each other written into a poem.
視線模糊中清晰 回蕩從前的眷戀 多些摺痕再勇敢去飛
My vision blurs into clarity, echoing the longing of the past, with a few more folds, I dare to fly again.
紙飛機穿越 穿越了傷悲 彼此的思念 寫成了詩篇
A paper airplane flies through, flying through the sadness, our thoughts for each other written into a poem.
視線模糊中清晰 回蕩從前的眷戀
My vision blurs into clarity, echoing the longing of the past.
多些摺痕 (多些摺痕 多些摺痕) 更勇敢去飛
With a few more folds (with more folds, with more folds), I dare to fly.

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